Underscore.js _.getPath() Method
The _.getPath() method is used to get the value at any depth in a nested object based on the path described by the given keys. Keys may be given as an array or as a dot-separated string....
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Underscore.js _.noConflict() Function
Underscore.js is a library in javascript that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. The _.noConflict() function is used to create a reference of the global underscore object “_” to another variable....
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Underscore.js _.create() Function
Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions that helps in the programming in a big way like the map, filter, invoke etc even without using any built-in objects....
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Underscore.js _.mixin() Function
Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. The _.mixin() function is used to add extra functionality and extend the global underscore object to some special utility functions....
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Underscore.js _.initial() Function
The Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions like the map, filter, invoke etc even without using any built-in objects. The _.initial() function is used to exclude the last element from the array. This function is used to perform some action on all the elements except last element. This is a basic function which helps to differentiate between the last element of the array and all the rest elements.Syntax:...
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Underscore.js _.isError() Function
Underscore.js is a library in javascript that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. _.isError() function is used to check whether the given object is javascript Error Object or not....
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Underscore.js _.isNaN() Function
_.isNaN() function:...
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Underscore.js _.isElement() Function
The _.isElement() function: is used to check whether the element is a document object model or not. A document object model is the way javascript sees the data of the containing pages. The Cascading style sheet (CSS) and javascript (JS) interact with Document object model (DOM)....
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Underscore.js _.isEven() Method
The _.isEven() method checks whether the given value is Even or not, and returns the corresponding boolean value....
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Underscore.js _.isDate() function
Underscore.js is a javascript library that is capable enough to handle arrays, strings, objects, map, set very easily and efficiently. The _.isDate() function in underscore.js is used to tell if the given object is a date object or not....
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Underscore.js _.sortedindex() Function
_.sortedIndex() function:...
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Underscore.js _.lastindexOf() Function
_.lastIndexOf() function:...
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