Underscore.js _.some Function
Underscore.js _.some() function is used to find whether any value in the given list matches the given condition or not. If at least one value satisfies this condition then the output will be true. When none of the values matches then the output will be false....
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Underscore.js _.isNull() Function
Underscore.js _.isNull() function It is used to find whether the value of the object is null. If an object has a null value then the output will be true otherwise false. We can even perform addition, subtraction, etc operations in this function....
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Underscore.js _.findIndex() Function
Underscore.js _.findIndex() function is used to find the index of an element which is passed in the second parameter. We can use this for any kind of array like a number array, string array, character array, etc. If we do not know what elements are present in the array but we want to find out whether a single element is present or not then we use this function....
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Underscore.js _.without() Function
Underscore.js _.without() function is used to return a copy of the array which contains all the array except values....
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Underscore.js _.chunk() Function
_.chunk() function:...
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Underscore.js _.intersection() Function
Underscore.js _.intersection() function is used to find the intersection of passed arrays, i.e. the elements that are common in all the n passed arrays in the _.intersection() function. This function finds the elements that are present in all the arrays and then apply some operation on those elements then this function is used. It performs the intersection operation at a very basic level....
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Underscore.js _.compact() Function
Underscore.js _.compact() function is used to return an array after removing all the false values. The false values in JavaScript are NaN, undefined, false, 0, null, or an empty string. Its output is an array containing all the even values like the elements of the array, numbers, alphabets, characters, true, etc....
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Underscore.js _.union() Function
Underscore.js _.union() function is used to take n number of arrays and return a new array with the unique terms in all those arrays (union of all array). In the new array, the order of the elements is the same as it is mentioned in all the passed arrays. The first occurrence of each array is only included in the resultant array....
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Underscore.js _.range() Function
_.range() function:...
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Lodash or Underscore – pick, pickBy, omit, omitBy
Javascript is Everywhere. The Javascript is used widely and it’s not limited to just only in your web browser but also widely used in the server-side as well. JavaScript is used by 95% of all the websites....
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How to deep flatten an array in JavaScript?
In this article, we will learn how to deep flatten an array in JavaScript. The flattening of an array is a process of merging a group of nested arrays present inside a given array. Deep flattening means that the array would be completely flattened....
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Underscore.js _.isUndefined() Function
_.isUndefined() function:...
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