Underscore.js _.findKey() Function
The _.findKey() function is used to return the key value where the predicate logic or condition returns the truth value or undefined. The predicate function/condition is transformed through iteratee to facilitate shorthand syntaxes....
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Underscore.js _.sample() Function
Underscore.js _.sample() function is used to find out what kind of elements are present in the array. It gives a random element of the array as output. We can even pass a second parameter to return that number of random elements from the array....
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Underscore _.get() Function
Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions that help in the programming in a big way like the map, filter, invokes, etc even without using any built-in objects....
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Underscore.js _.random() Function
Underscore.js is a library in javascript that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. The _.random() function is used to return a random integer which is in the range provided to the function....
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Underscore.js _.values() Function
The _.values() function is used to return the list of all values of the object element....
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Underscore.js _.isString() Function
The _.isString() function is used to check whether the given object element is string or not....
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Underscore.js _.camelCase() Method
The _.camelCase() method is used to convert a dash-separated string into camel case strings...
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Underscore.js _.memoize() Function
The _.memoize() function is used to memorize a given function by caching the result computed by the function. It is used to speed up for the slow running process....
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Underscore.js _.identity() Function
Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. The _.identity() function is used to return the exact same replica of the value given to it as the argument. This function looks useless, but is used throughout Underscore as a default iteratee....
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How to break _.each() function in Underscore.js ?
It is not possible to break the _.each function. The reason is that the _.each function works similarly to the forEach function and imitates its native behavior. It does not allow us to break the loop or escape from it except by throwing an exception. However, one can use different methods like:...
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Underscore.js _.partition Function
The _.partition() function is used to get an array as input and returns two arrays. The first array containing those elements that satisfy the predicate (condition) and the second array contains the remaining elements....
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Underscore.js _.noop() Function
Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. The _.noop() function is used to return “undefined” irrespective of the arguments passed to it....
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