Underscore.js _.indexOf() Function
Underscore.js _.indexOf() gives the index of the element whose position we need to find. It starts to count the position of the elements in the array from 0. If the element is not present in the array then the result will be -1....
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Underscore.js _.delay() Function
Underscore.js _.delay() function executes the mentioned function in its argument after waiting for the specified milliseconds. It is mostly used when we want to perform some task but after a certain amount of time. In this case, we can define this function, and then it will be executed after the wait milliseconds. If we pass the arguments also to this function (which is optional to pass) then these arguments will act as the argument of the function passed to the _.delay() function....
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Underscore.js _.shuffle Function
The Underscore.js _.shuffle() function is used to arrange a list of arrays in a random manner. This _.shuffle() underscore function uses Fisher Yates Shuffle which is discussed in the below-mentioned article. So, every time we use this the output of this function will be different according to the Fisher Yates Shuffle....
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Underscore.js _.last() Function
Underscore.js _.last() is used to display the last element of the array. It is usually applied to separate the elements of an array by making it into 2 arrays. One which contains only the last element and the other which contains all the elements except the last one....
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Underscore.js _.wrap() Function
Underscore.js _.wrap() is used to wrap a function inside another function. It means that the first calling function will be invoked first and then the called function will be executed. If the calling function does not call the called function then the second function will not be executed....
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Underscore.js _.times() Function
Underscore.js _.times() function is used to call the function a particular number of times i.e. execution of a function(f) “n” times....
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Underscore.js _.invokes Function
The Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions that helps in the programming in a big way like the map, filter, invoke etc even without using any built-in objects....
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Underscore.js _.max Function
The Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions that help in programming in a big way like the map, filter, invokes, etc even without using any built-in objects. The _.max() function is used to find the minimum element from the list passed. If an iterate is given, then it will be applied to each value and generate criteria to rank the values and find the minimum element....
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Underscore.js _.bind() Function
Underscore.js _.bind() function is used to bind a function to an object. When the function is called, the value of this will be the object....
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Underscore.js _.invert() Function
Underscore.js _.invert() function is used to return the copy of an object where the object key is converted into value and object value is converted into the key. It means the [key, value] of the object is reversed....
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Underscore.js Introduction
Underscore.js is a lightweight JavaScript library and not a complete framework that was written by Jeremy Ashkenas that provides utility functions for a variety of use cases in our day to day common programming tasks....
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Underscore.js _.mapObject() Function
The _.mapObject() function is similar to the map but used for the object. This function transforms each value of the object based on the given function/operation....
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