Underscore.js _.getPath() Method

The _.getPath() method is used to get the value at any depth in a nested object based on the path described by the given keys. Keys may be given as an array or as a dot-separated string. 


_.getPath( Object_name, key_string|array );


  • Object_name: Object from which the value is to be searched.
  • key_string | array: Given dot-separated string or array to be searched in the given object.

Return Value: This method returns a value searched from the object.

Note: This will not work in normal JavaScript because it requires the underscore.js contrib library to be installed. Underscore.js contrib library can be installed using npm install underscore-contrib –save.

Example 1: Getting the value using a dot-separated string.


// Defining underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
var ob = { gfg : {
        w3wiki :  "Computer Science Portal for Beginner"
var val = _.getPath( ob, "gfg.w3wiki" );


Computer Science Portal for Beginner

Example 2: Getting value using an array.


// Defining underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
var ob = { gfg : {
        w3wiki :  "Computer Science Portal for Beginner"
var val = _.getPath( ob, ['gfg', 'w3wiki'] );


Computer Science Portal for Beginner

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