10 Web Development and Web Design Facts That You Should Know
Web Development has grabbed a lot of attention in today’s date. But the question arises, why has it gained such a massive audience in the last decade. So Here’s the answer: Web development is the basic building and maintenance of websites; it’s the whole procedure that happens to make a website look great, responsive, work smooth, and performing well with seamless user experience....
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Most In-Demand Skills to Become a Full Stack Developer
Full-stack developers are one of the most trending and responsible sectors in the field of software development. The reason is, that they need to sound knowledgeable in both frontend and backend development and have to be aware of all the tools, and technologies that are being used to create different applications or websites. Besides this, full-stack developers are often responsible for user interface, user experience, and design patterns for a rich customer experience. This is one of the major reasons why they’re most popular and in-demand with an average salary bracket of INR 8LPA – INR 16LPA and above as per their level of experience....
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Top 7 Backend Frameworks For Development
In the era of web development, the backend serves as the engine that powers the functionality and logic behind every successful web application. Choosing the right backend frameworks is crucial for building robust, scalable, and efficient web solutions that meet the demands of modern users...
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10 Most Asked ES6 Interview Questions & Answers For Developers
When JavaScript came into the picture of the programming world, the name was chosen for marketing reasons. At that time Java was getting popular all around the world (but you better know both are different). Later it was submitted to ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) to standardize the language and its specification....
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20 Free Public API’s For Developers
Free public APIs, like special tools for computer programs, are very important for lots of developers. They give a lot of information and features that can be used to make many different apps, like weather apps, news apps, and even tools for other developers....
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Good Coding Practices For Backend Developers
API, Authentication, Design Patterns, MVC, Cache, Cookies, Sessions, JSON, Endpoints, Server, Hosting, Postman, CRUD, Curl…...
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Why is Immutability so Important in JavaScript?
Why is immutability so important in JavaScript?...
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How to Learn ReactJS in 2024?
npx create-react-app myapp...
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UI vs UX Design : Which Career Option Should You Choose?
There has been always confusion among designers about the difference between UI and UX design. Which one has a big role and what kind of work needs to be done in both of the roles? Some of them consider both are same, while others consider both to be different. The reality is that UI design and UX design are completely different....
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What is Twelve-Factor App?
The Twelve-factor app is a set of 12 principles or best practices for building web applications which now days are more commonly known as Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) applications. It was published by the co-founder of Heroku, Mr. Adam Wiggins in 2011. These principles are the result of all the experiences and observations that the people working at Heroku, which is a Platform-As-A-Service, have gained over a large variety of Software-As-A-Service applications ever deployed on it. These principles help us to create the applications that use...
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How to Use ChatGPT API in NodeJS?
ChatGPT is a very powerful chatbot by OpenAI which uses Natural Language Processing to interact like humans. It has become very popular among developers and is being widely used for some of its state-of-the-art features like understanding and interpreting code and even generating code based on textual requirements. OpenAI has not only provided its functionality as a chatbot on the website but has also provided an API to help integrate ChatGPT into our applications and projects using which we can make an HTTP request and utilize the response appropriately....
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13 Things You Should Know Before You Enter In Web Development
Every beginner starts their journey in web development learning frontend part, backend part, and some tools which are important to build the web project. Building your first project on your own after so many struggles is an exciting feeling for the beginners. You start having a lot of expectations from your job but when you enter the industry you find that your expectations are not even close to the real situation....
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