Know the Difference Between REST API and RESTful API
APIs (Application Programming Interface) act as an interface between two applications to interact and provide the relevant data. It uses a set of protocols using which the operation is done. Salesforce was the first organization to officially launch API, followed by eBay and Amazon. Also, 60% of transactions made on eBay use their APIs. If we talk about its growth, nearly two-thirds of organizations rely on APIs and it has gained popularity 13 times since 2007....
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Top 10 Best Web Development Projects For Your Resume
This Web Development Projects Ideas article provides you with an overview of different web development projects with ideas, categorized by various types of web technologies....
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How to Become a Front-End Developer? [2024]
Pretty much sure that whenever you browse a website, the first thing that makes you decide whether you’re going further with the particular website or not is the look and feel of it. Undoubtedly, no one prefers a website or application to have an inferior user interface or design....
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Programming For Beginners: 10 Best HTML Coding Practices You Must Know
HTML is one of the easiest things to learn in programming. Most of the newbies and even kids step into programming picking up HTML. They learn they build some web pages but a lot of developers even experienced ones make some silly mistakes while writing the code for the front end. Making these silly mistakes not only annoys other developers (when they need to make some changes) but also hurts your main site and drives the end-user away. We are going to mention some common and best practices that you should follow to write clean and clear HTML code. Â...
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Best Way to Learn Node.js – A Complete Roadmap
NodeJS, released by Ryan Dahl in 2009, unexpectedly gained immense popularity within a decade. It has become a top choice for small to large enterprises in building backend services. Today, NodeJS is considered an essential skill for developers due to its widespread use and popularity....
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Top 10 VS Code Extensions For Angular Developers
VS Code is the most commonly used code editor which provides a bunch of features that are very helpful for developers in writing code. Visual Studio Code extensions helps to do the development with ease and support the development workflow. This article enlists some of the important Visual Studio Code extensions for Angular or while working on Angular....
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Getting Started With ReactJS: A Complete Guide For Beginners
Every front-end developer and web developer knows how frustrating and painful it is to write the same code at multiple places. If they need to add a button on multiple pages they are forced to do a lot of code. Developers using other frameworks face the challenges to rework most codes even when crafting components that changed frequently. Developers wanted a framework or library which allow them to break down complex components and reuse the codes to complete their projects faster. Here React comes in and solved this problem....
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Centralized vs Distributed Version Control: Which One Should We Choose?
Many of us are aware of version control when it comes to work with multiple developers on a single project and collaborate with them. There is no doubt that version control makes developers work more easily and fast. In most of the organization, developers use either Centralized Version Control System(CVCS) like Subversion(SVN) or Concurrent Version System(CVS) or Distributed Version Control System(DVCS) like Git (Written in C), Mercurial (Written in Python) or Bazaar (Written in Python). Now come to the point, which one is best or which one we need to choose? We will compare each one’s workflow, learning curve, security, popularity, and other aspects. Firstly we need to break a myth that most beginners have about DVCS is that “There is no central version in the code or no master branch.” That’s not true, In DVCS there is also a master branch or central version in the code but it works in a different way than centralized source control....
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HTTP Cookies in Node.js
Cookies are small data that are stored on a client side and sent to the client along with server requests. Cookies have various functionality, they can be used for maintaining sessions and adding user-specific features in your web app. For this, we will use cookie-parser module of npm which provides middleware for parsing of cookies. First set your directory of the command prompt to root folder of the project and run the following command:...
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10 Best Web Development Project Ideas For Beginners in 2024
Learning web development is an exciting journey that opens doors to lots of creative possibilities. But for beginners, figuring out where to start with projects can be tricky. This article provides you with the Top 10 web development project ideas that are perfect for sharpening your skills in 2024....
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How to Become a Backend Developer in 2024 | A Step-by-Step Guide
In our tech-driven world, everything is online, and understanding the basics of the Internet is crucial. The Internet is a vast global communication network where people share information and access services like web pages and social media....
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How to become Web Developer [2024]
How can I start learning web development? Is it easy? And how can I keep up with the latest web designing technologies? These are the questions that appear in every beginner’s mind. There is also confusion between web designing and web development, but we’ll talk about web development....
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