How Web Works – Web Application Architecture for Beginners
For many decades we are browsing our favorite websites on the internet and getting a quick response whatever we want… but do you ever try to know how each part of the application works together and how is the request being processed behind the scene? If you’re a little bit familiar with tech then you may have a general and a common answer that your request goes to the web server, then the webserver processes the request and perform all the backend logic. After that, it sends the response back to the web browser and then you see the result in front of your screen....
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Begin Web Development with a Head Start
To get a head start in web development, you can take the following steps:...
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Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks For Web Development
JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language that supports programming types that are event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based). Originally, JavaScript was only used on the client side. Although, JavaScript is still used as a server-side programming language these days. To sum up, in a short sentence, JavaScript is the language of the web. So, to learn web development, you should know the best JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development to enhance your productivity....
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How to Choose The Right Database for Your Application?
“I’ll just choose X, it’s the DB I know and worked with”....
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Postman – Working, HTTP Request & Responses
API…Application Programming Interface… If you’re a developer then this word is nothing new for you…...
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How to Become a JavaScript Developer?
JavaScript is Everywhere. If we talk about any small startup or big company most of them are working on any kind of website or an app always looking for someone with JavaScript knowledge. Millions of web pages are built on JavaScript and it’s not going anywhere at least for now. This language is huge in demand and a ton of job postings are there which you can check in your area on LinkedIn. On one side where HTML and CSS give styling to the pages, another side is JavaScript which makes them alive....
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What is the difference between Front-End and Back-End Web Development?
And it is the combination of both Front-End and Back-End Web Development that ensures this ship is never lost!!! However, there is a lot of confusion that prevails over this topic. And if you are a beginner in this field, I am sure you are very confused about all these terms and what they imply (I sure was!!!). That is the reason this article tries to find an answer to “What is the difference between Front-End and Back-End Web Development?”...
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Difference between Full stack developer and Software developer
Should I become a software developer or a full stack developer? This is the most frequent question that comes to the mind of every student? ...
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Best Books to Learn Back-End Web Development
Understanding the concepts of Back-End Web Development is not easy for beginners if they don’t find a good resource or a book. There’s so much to learn about the backend and so many frameworks or libraries releasing every week that it’s hard to find out where to start everything from scratch to an advanced level. Not only for beginners but also experienced people in software development sometimes look for some good resources or books to brush up on their skills. In this article, we’re compiling some of the best books to learn back end web development....
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Top 10 Django Apps And Why Companies Are Using it?
As a beginner when it comes to learning a new language everyone’s favorite is Python. A lot of companies working on different kinds of applications and dealing with millions of users expect a fast, scalable and dynamic website. The choice of programming languages and frameworks is enormous in the market but choosing the best one that fulfills most of the requirements can be a tough task for the organizations. Today, the IT industry is familiar with the popularity of Python language. How easy it is to learn this language and how this language has solved a lot of problems with the organization running different kinds of applications. Python and the frameworks of this language truly deserve hype in the market....
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Top 7 Best Books to Learn React JS
You might have heard the saying, Hard-work is the key to success, which might have been relative in the past, but now the scenario has changed. Now the world has developed so much that only doing hard won’t guarantee success; you will have to do smart work....
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4 Ways to Make an API Call in JavaScript
API(Application Programming Interface) is a set of protocols, rules, and tools that allow different software applications to access allowed functionalities, and data, and interact with each other. API is a service created for user applications that request data or some functionality from servers....
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