100 Days of Web Development – A Complete Guide For Beginners
How to become Web Developer?...
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Top 5 Free and Open-Source Version Control Tools in 2020
If you want to work on a big software development project which requires the collaboration of different team members and also need frequent changes during development, then you must use a version control system. Version control helps us to keep track of the changes we made in our code so that if something goes wrong, we can revert back to any previous version that we want. Without VCS it will be a very hectic work to keep track of the changes in our source code where multiple developers are continuously working on the same code....
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Roadmap to Learn JavaScript For Beginners
JavaScript is the king that rules the world, it runs everywhere and is indeed an amazing language. According to Stack Overflow, it is the most popular programming language and is being on top of the list for 7 years. Using JavaScript you can build interactive websites, the best example being Google Maps (you search and it shows you the location instantly)....
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Introduction to Web Scraping
Web scraping is a technique to fetch data from websites. While surfing on the web, many websites prohibit the user from saving data for personal use. This article will brief you about What is Web Scraping, Uses, Techniques, Tools, and challenges of Web Scraping....
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The Future of Web Development – [Top Trends and Future Predictions]
Once a network of static electronic pages, the web is currently an ecosystem that’s dynamic and innovative. In the same way that it has transformed the acquiring of information and connecting with a greater fraction of the world, Web Development itself is also on its own journey of discovery. New technologies develop at such a rapid speed to entirely transform how we construct and communicate using web applications....
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What is a Framework?
Whenever you work with any programming language, you might hear about various frameworks based on that language. When you work on software, you might use any framework to enhance the quality of your application. Frameworks provide many advantages to the developers and reduce the time and effort required in the development process. They enable developers to write clean code that is easily understandable by others....
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PHP 5 vs PHP 7
PHP is a server side scripting language designed for web development by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. Since its launch in 1994 PHP has become an industry standard supporting almost 80% of the websites ( 79.8% to be precise) with its closest competitor being ASP.Net at 19.8% and others like Ruby, Java trailing far behind....
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JavaScript ES2015: Block Scoping
In this article, we will see what is Block scoping in Javascript, access to the block-scoped variables, how it is distinct from other kinds of variable’s scope, through the examples. Prior to ES2015, JavaScript supported only function-level scoping unlike other languages like C++/Java which has block-level scoping. With ES2015, in addition to function-level scoping, JavaScript also supports block-level scoping with the help of the let keyword & const keyword....
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5 Best Linux Distros For Programming
Linux’s distributions are highly recommended for web developers and programmers. The host operating system and web server on a Linux machine need to implement HTTP/HTTPS protocol and support Nginx, Apache, or any other suitable web server for that matter....
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10 HTML Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners [2024]
Aren’t we always confused at the first step in the development of our project? As a beginner, it is natural that we struggle to find a topic for the project to work on. Well, if you are waiting for the first step to get an idea, you are at the right place. We did some good research as a result of which we have brought to you the best project ideas on HTML. These are beginner-friendly. We’ve also brainstormed and added more features that you could use in your webpage....
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8 Useful Testing Tools, Libraries and Frameworks For React Developers
We all know the love of developers for the most popular library React. It’s easy to learn and it’s easy to build the user interface of any website using React. If you’re building an application no matter what you should test your application before serving it to the user....
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10 Best Angular Projects Ideas For Beginners
Angular, a popular JavaScript framework developed by Google, is known for its ability to create dynamic and responsive web applications. Whether you’re new to Angular or looking to enhance your skills, working on real-world projects can significantly boost your understanding and proficiency. In this article, we’ll explore the Top 10 Angular project ideas for beginners that are both challenging and fun to build....
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