10 Most Common HTTP Status Codes
You search for anything on Google, and by this, a request is being sent to the server, then the server responds. This response is done using HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) by the server. There can be two cases – the server may respond with the information it has, or else it may show an error with a code. Whenever there’s an error in the back end, the server responds with an error code that explains what error could have happened....
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Top 10 Front End Developer Skills That You Need in 2024
In today’s digital world, the internet has become an integral part of our lives, and websites are the gateway to the online world. When you visit a website, the first thing that captures your attention is generally its design and user interface. This crucial aspect of web development is the domain of front-end developers....
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5 HTTP Methods in RESTful API Development
JavaScript is by far one of the most popular languages when it comes to web development, powering most websites and web applications. Not being limited to only the client-side JavaScript is also one of the most popular languages which are used for developing server-side applications. Organizations use Javascript to create interactive and dynamic web applications for their customers. Today, most modern web applications rely on using REST architecture to improve the website’s dynamic capabilities....
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Top 5 MERN Projects To Add In Resume
The MERN stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, is a powerful combination for full-stack web development. Creating projects with the MERN stack not only helps you understand how these technologies work together but also enhances your portfolio, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers. Here are the top 5 best MERN projects to add to your resume....
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10 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For Beginners in 2024
In a world where everyone wants to become a developer, let’s also talk about the skills required for development. When we talk about development, JavaScript comes on top of the list for programming languages. With so much demand for JavaScript that is used by many developers (65% of the total development community), the number is increasing day by day. JavaScript is one such programming language that is preferred over any other programming language by most developers. Also, major tech companies like Microsoft, Uber, Google, Netflix, and Meta use JavaScript in their projects....
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Difference Between JSON and CSV
JSON: JSON refers to JavaScript Object Notation. It is a language-independent, human-readable language used for its simplicity and is most commonly used in web-based applications. The JSON extensions end with a .json. JSON is a user-friendly substitute for XML as it is lightweight and easy to read. It supports data structures like array and objects and the JSON documents that are rapidly executed on the server....
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7 Most Asked ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers
If you’re into programming then surely you can’t deny that you aren’t aware of the popularity of React. React which is a very popular JavaScript library is booming around the world and a lot of industries are working on it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a professional programmer or a beginner, knowing React is surely going to give you an advantage of being on the top in your career....
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How to Connect Front End and Backend
“Connecting front-end to back-end is like building a bridge between worlds. How can you construct a pathway that seamlessly connects user interface with server functionality?”...
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10 CSS Selectors Every Developer Should Know
What’s the first thing for any website to create a good impression on a user? …...
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How Web 3.0 is Going to Impact the Digital World?
The internet: a familiar term that encompasses a whole universe in itself. Calling it probably the greatest human invention since sliced bread wouldn’t be wrong. This global network of billions of interconnected computers and other such devices is single-handedly responsible for impacting the everyday world around us. And that too to such a degree that today the internet has become an inseparable, undeniable, and probably the most significant part of our lives. It would not be an understatement to say that we already live in a virtual world. The internet has blurred the line between reality and virtual space. Meanwhile, the internet has seen several changes since its birth. From being limited to a fixed number of computers to becoming a ubiquitous virtual entity, the internet has truly evolved in many senses. And it is continuing to do so with every passing day....
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How to Design a Web Application – A Guideline on Software Architecture
Have you ever tried to prepare Pizza at home? (yes!!! we’re talking about your favorite food…)...
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How to Become a UI/UX Designer: A Complete Roadmap
Never been to a design school, but want to become a UI/UX designer? Worry not! It’s not that hard....
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