Federalism Political Science Class 11 Notes

Federalism, as a guideline of administration, has advanced interestingly in different settings, serving as an administrative component to oblige particular policies at both regional and national levels. It depicts a framework where each government substance works freely inside its circle, regularly characterized by a duality of citizenship and loyalties among the people.

Within the Indian setting, whereas the term “alliance” is missing from the Structure, federalist principles are apparent within the outline of powers between the union and state governments, forming the country’s administration structure. In this article, we will read and learn more about federalism from a class 11 Political Science perspective!

Federalism Political Science Class 11 Notes

Table of Federalism




Key Features

What is Federalism?

Federalism serves as a regulatory mechanism accommodating distinct polities at regional and national levels.

Different contexts of federalism around the world

Territorial autonomy, shared sovereignty

Federalism in the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution delineates federalist principles through the allocation of powers between the union and state governments.

Mention of federalist ideals in specific articles of the Indian Constitution.

Division of legislative, executive, and financial powers

Division of Powers

Powers are divided between the central (union) government and state governments, each with its sphere of activity and responsibilities.

Examples of powers reserved for the central government and those for state governments.

Enumerated lists of central and state subjects.

Federalism with a Strong Central Government

The Indian Constitution establishes a robust central government, necessary for addressing the country’s diverse socio-economic challenges.

Constitutional provisions enhancing central authority.

Emergency provisions, financial control mechanisms.

Centre-State Relations

Historical context and political dynamics have influenced the relationship between the central and state governments, leading to demands for greater autonomy.

Instances of conflicts or agreements between the center and states

Role of governors, intergovernmental councils

Interstate Conflicts

Disputes between states or with the central government underscore the complexities of federal governance, often requiring diplomatic resolutions.

Notable interstate conflicts and their resolutions.

Dispute resolution mechanisms, role of judiciary.

Special Provisions

Unique provisions exist for certain states, considering their specific socio-cultural and historical contexts.

Examples of special provisions for states based on unique circumstances.

Tribal areas, hill states, linguistic minorities.

Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir’s special status under Article 370 demonstrates a distinct arrangement within the federal framework.

Details of the special status and its implications on governance

Autonomy, dual citizenship, separate constitution

What is Federalism?

Federalism as a rule of government has advanced unexpectedly in completely different situations.

Federalism is a regulation instrument to accommodate sets of polities-one at the territorial level and the other at the national level. Each government is independent in its circle. In a few government nations, there’s indeed a framework of double citizenship. India has as it were a single citizenship.

The individuals, moreover, have two sets of personalities and loyalties–they have a place in the locale as well as the country, for illustration, we are Gujarat or Jharkhand as well as Indians. Each level of the commonwealth has unmistakable powers and duties and incorporates a partitioned framework of government.

The subtle elements of this double framework of government are by and large spelled out in a composed structure, which is considered to be incomparable, and which is additionally the source of the power of both sets of the duties of the territorial or State government.

Federalism in the Indian Constitution

That the Constitution of India does not even mention the word federation

Article 1

  • India, that’s Bharat, might be a Union of States.
  • The States and the regions thereof should be as indicated within the To Begin with Plan.

Division of Powers

There are two sets of government made by the Indian Constitution:

→One for the whole country called the union government (central government)

→One for each unit or State called the State government.

  • Both of these have a protected status and identified areas of activity.
  • In case there’s any debate about which powers come beneath the control of the union and which beneath the States, this will be settled by the Legal based on the sacred provisions.
  • The Structure demarcates subjects, which are beneath the select space of the Union and those beneath the States.
  • One of the imperative aspects of this division of powers is that financial and monetary powers are centralized within the hands of the central government by the Constitution.
  • The States have colossal obligations but exceptionally scanty income sources.
  • It comprises 100 subjects (initially 97), the State List of 61 subjects (initially 66), and the Concurrent List of 52 subjects (initially 47).
  • Both the Middle and the states can make laws on the subjects of the concurrent list but in case
  • Of a strife, the Central law wins. The residuary subjects (i.e., which are not specified in any of the three records) are given to the Middle.

Federalism with a Strong Central Government

  • It is for the most part acknowledged that the Indian Structure has made a solid central government.
  • India could be a nation of mainland measurements with colossal diversities and social problems.
  • The composers of the Structure accepted that we required a government structure that would oblige diversities.
  • Besides the concern for solidarity, the producers of the Structure accepted that the socio-economic issues of the nation required to be dealt with by a solid central government in participation with the States.
  • Poverty, lack of education, and disparities of riches were a few of the issues that required arranging and coordination.
  • Thus, the concerns for solidarity and development prompted the creators of the Structure to make a solid central government.

The important provisions that create a strong central government:

  • The very presence of a State counting its regional judgment is within the hands of Parliament. The parliament is enabled to ‘form a close State by division of region from any State or by joining together two or more States….’ It can moreover modify the boundary of any State or indeed its name.
  • The Structure gives for a few shields by way of securing the see of the concerned State Council. The Structure has certain exceptionally capable crisis arrangements, which can turn our government commonwealth into a profoundly centralized framework once the crisis is pronounced. Amid a crisis, control gets to be legally centralized. Parliament assumes the control to create laws on subjects inside the ward of the States.
  • Even amid ordinary circumstances, the central government has exceptionally successful money-related powers and obligations. To begin with put, things creating income are beneath the control of the central government. Hence, the central government has numerous income sources and the States are for the most part subordinate to awards and monetary help from the center. Besides, India embraced arranging as the instrument of quick financial advancement and improvement after freedom and arranging drove significant centralization of financial decision-making. The arranging commission designated by the union government is the planning apparatus that controls and oversees the assets administration of the States. Other than that, the Union government employments its watchfulness to deliver awards and credits to States. This dissemination of financial assets is considered disproportionate and has driven charges of separation against States ruled by a resistance party.
  • The Senator has certain powers to suggest the State government’s expulsion and the Gathering’s disintegration. Other than, indeed in ordinary circumstances, the Representative has the control to save a charge passed by the State Assembly, for the consent of the President. This permits the central government to delay the State enactment and additionally to look at such bills and veto them completely.
  • There may be events when the situation may request that the central government should administer things from the State list. Usually conceivable on the off chance that the move is confirmed by the Rajya Sabha. The Structure clearly states that the official powers of the center are predominant to the official powers of the States.
  • Furthermore, the central government may select to allow information to the State government.
  • Articles 33 and 34 authorize the Parliament to secure people within the benefit of the union or a state regarding any activity they take amid military law to preserve or reestablish arrange. These arrangements encourage and reinforce the powers of the union government. The Outfitted Strengths Uncommon Powers Act has been made based on these arrangements. This Act has put pressure between the individuals and the outfitted powers on a few events.

Centre State Relations

  • Within the 1950s and early 1960s, the establishment of our federalism was laid beneath Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • It was a period of Congress’s dominance over the center as well as the States.
  • But on the issue of the arrangement of modern States, the relations between the center and the States remained very normal during this period.
  • Within the center of the 1960s Congress dominance declined to some degree and in an expansive number of States. opposition parties came to power.
  • It comes about in requests for more noteworthy powers and more noteworthy independence for the States. These requests were a coordinate aftermath of the reality that diverse parties were administering at the center and in numerous States. So, the State governments were dissenting against what they saw as pointless impedances in their governments by the Congress government at the center.

Demands for Autonomy

  • Some of the time, these requests anticipate that the division of powers ought to be changed in favor of the States and more powers and critical powers be relegated to the States.
  • Another request is that States ought to have free sources of income and more noteworthy control over the assets. Typically, too known as budgetary autonomy.
  • The third angle of the independence requests relates to the regulatory powers of the States. States detest the control of the center over the authoritative machinery.
  • Fourthly, independence requests may also be related to social and phonetic issues. The resistance to the mastery of Hindi (in Tamil Nadu) or the request for progress in the Punjabi dialect and culture are occasions of this. A few States too feel that there’s a mastery of the Hindi-speaking regions over the others. In truth, during the decade of 1960s, there were disturbances in a few States against the burden of the Hindi dialect.

Role of Governors and President’s Rule

  • Some of the time, these requests anticipate that the division of powers ought to be changed in favor of the States and more powers and critical powers be relegated to the States.
  • Another request is that States ought to have free sources of income and more noteworthy control over the assets. Typically, too known as budgetary autonomy.
  • The third angle of the independence requests relates to the regulatory powers of the States. States detest the control of the center over the authoritative machinery.
  • Fourthly, independence requests may also be related to social and phonetic issues. The resistance to the mastery of Hindi (in Tamil Nadu) or the request for progress in the Punjabi dialect and culture are occasions of this. A few States too feel that there’s a mastery of the Hindi-speaking regions over the others. In truth, during the decade of 1960s, there were disturbances in a few States against the burden of the Hindi dialect.

Interstate Conflicts

  • Whereas the States keep battling with the center over independence and other issues just like the share in income assets, there have been numerous occurrences of debate between two States or among more than two States.
  • the legal without a doubt act as the discretion component on the debate of a lawful nature but these debates are in reality not fair and legal.
  • They have political suggestions and thus they can best be settled as it were through transactions and shared understanding.

Special Provisions

  • The Structure has a few extraordinary arrangements for a few States given their unconventional social and authentic circumstances. Most of the uncommon arrangements relate to the north eastern States (Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, etc.) to a great extent due to their sizeable inborn tribal populace with a particular history and culture.
  • Uncommon arrangements moreover exist for sloping States like Himachal Pradesh and a few other States like Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra Sikkim, and Telangana.

Jammu and Kashmir

  • The other State which includes an uncommon status in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) (Craftsmanship. 370).
  • Jammu and Kashmir was one of the huge regal states, which had the alternative of joining India or Pakistan at the time of independence.
  • Promptly after Autonomy Pakistan and India battled a war over Kashmir. Beneath such circumstances, the Maharaja of Kashmir consented to the Indian union.
  • In hone, in any case, the independence of Jammu and Kashmir is much less than what the dialect of Article 370 may suggest.
  • There’s a protected arrangement that permits the President, with the concurrence of the State government, to indicate which parts of the Union List might apply to the State.
  • The President has issued two Protected orders in concurrence with the Government of J&K making huge parts of the Constitution pertinent to the State.
  • As a result, even though J&K incorporates an isolated structure and a hail, the Parliament’s control to form laws on subjects within the Union List presently is completely accepted.
  • The remaining contrast between the other States and the State of J&K is that no crisis due to internal disturbances can be announced in J&K without the concurrence of the State.
  • The union government cannot force a money-related crisis within the State and the Order Standards don’t apply in J&K.
  • At last, alterations to the Indian Structure (beneath Craftsmanship. 368) can as it were apply in concurrence with the government of J&K.


Federalism, as a directing guideline of administration, has shown extraordinarily over assorted settings, giving an administrative system to suit particular political substances at both territorial and national scales. It portrays a framework where each government substance works independently inside its locale, frequently characterized by double loyalties and citizenship among the people. Within the Indian setting, although the term “alliance” isn’t expressly specified within the Structure, federalist beliefs are apparent within the assignment of powers between the central and state governments, in this way forming the nation’s administration system.

FAQs related to the Federalism.

How does federalism work in India?

In India, federalist standards are reflected within the assignment of powers between the central (union) government and state governments, as laid out within the Indian Constitution.

What are the key highlights of federalism?

Federalism emphasizes regional independence and shared sway, where powers are partitioned between central and state governments, each with its zone of action and responsibilities.

Why does India have a solid central government?

India’s differing socioeconomic challenges required the foundation of a vigorous central government, able to tend to national issues and plan with states for viable governance.

What are the demands for independence inside India’s government structure?

Various states in India have communicated requests for more prominent independence, counting changes within the division of powers, money-related autonomy, and control over regulatory apparatus, reflecting concerns for territorial empowerment.

How are clashes settled inside India’s government system?

Conflicts between states or between the center and states are regularly settled through conciliatory transactions and legitimate components, even though they may have political suggestions requiring common understanding and compromise.

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