Challenge of Political Succession| Class 12 Political Science

Challenge of Political Succession is a subpart of the Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 that is denoted as the power struggle between the Congress government System. The subpart Challenge of Political Succession describes the political context of India after Neheru’s death. The subpart includes and narrates the Context of the power transmission From Nehru to Shastri and From Shastri to Indira Gandhi. It was a crucial time in Indian politics.

In this article, we are going to discuss the Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 subpart the Challenge of Political Succession in detail.

Table of Content

  • Challenge of Political Succession
  • From Nehru to Shastri
  • From Shastri to Indira Gandhi

Challenge of Political Succession

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru passed away in May 1964 which raised a major issue who was going to be the next responsible person to take charge? The government was clueless as under Nehru’s leadership, the country started to shape democracy. This time was crucial because it was not just filling the position of the prime minister but also it was all about setting a direction for the country towards development.

The fear of this particular time was as a newly independent nation, India was struggling to maintain democratic governance which may lead to military intervention in politics. Also, there was a fear about how much the new Prime Minister would be able to handle the ongoing challenges like poverty, inequality, communal problems, regional divisions, etc. Because these problems directly threaten the unity and integrity of the country.

From Nehru to Shastri

The power transmission process From Nehru to Shastri was demonstrated as the belief, strength, and resilience of India’s democratic institutions. K. Kamraj was the party president at that time who played a major role in this power transfer process.

  • In so many meetings and the time for the problems, Kamraj identified that Lal Bahadur Shastri was the right person who could be the successor of Nehru.
  • Mr. Shastri was known for his simple nature and commitment to the principles.
  • He warned the affection and trust of Nehru when they both worked together for the Nation.
  • The tenure of Shastri Ji was really short as a Prime Minister who faced so many challenges in his time.
  • The China war and the lack of monsoons led to inflation and economic decline with the food crisis.
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri was died on 10th Januray, 1966. His tenure is considered the best as he tried to think for the nation’s welfare.

From Shastri to Indira Gandhi

After the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Congress faced the same problem with their leadership. Now this time the power struggle started between Morarji Desai and Indira Gandhi. Morarji Desai was a senior politician and the serving CM of the Bombay state. Indira Gandhi was new in politics but she was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru and served as Congress president in the past. Some congress politicians started to back Indira Gandhi and Indira Gandhi got support from the 2/3rd of the whole party.

Indira Gandhi faced so many challenges. Some senior leaders who supported them in the past, after some yers started to oppose her due to her behaviour. She was really stubborn and did not want to take any guidance from the old leaders. After becoming the prime minister, Indira Gandhi faced a huge economic crisis which was declining India; ‘s economy. With her leadership, she got so many victories and started to navigate and fight against the problems.

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FAQs on Class 12 Political Science Chapter 5 Challenge of Political Succession

What is 10 point programme class 12?

Indira Gandhi adopted a very bold strategy as she converted it into ideological struggle, launched a series of initiatives and got the Congress Working Committee to adopt ‘Ten Point Programme’ in 1967 including social control of Banks, Nationalisation of General Insurance, Ceiling on Urban Property and Income.

Why was the congress voted out of power Class 12?

Parties opposed to the Congress realised that the division of their votes kept the Congress in power. Thus parties that were entirely different and disparate in their programmes and ideology got together to form anti-Congress fronts in some states and entered into electoral adjustments of sharing seats in others.

Who was the political successor of Lal Bahadur Shastri?

Upon his death, Gulzarilal Nanda once again assumed the role of acting prime minister until the Congress Party elected Indira Gandhi over Morarji Desai to officially succeed Shastri. After Shastri’s death, his wife Lalita Shastri alleged he was poisoned.

Why was Indira Gandhi expelled from Congress?

On 12 November 1969, the Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi was expelled from the Congress party for violating party discipline. The party finally split with Indira Gandhi setting up a rival organisation Indian National Congress (Requisitionists), which came to be known as Congress (R) or Indicate .

Who is the successor of Pandit Nehru?

Lal Bahadur Shastri, the successor of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, is most remembered for coining the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ and for his admirable leadership during the India- Pakistan War of 1965.

What is the contribution of Indira Gandhi in politics?

Towards the end of the 1950s, Gandhi served as the president of the Congress. In that capacity, she was instrumental in getting the communist-led Kerala state government dismissed in 1959. That government was India’s first elected communist government.

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