Chapter-1: Political Theory: NCERT Class-11 Political Science Solutions

Political Theory: Class-11 NCERT Solution discusses the basic concepts of political theory, such as the nature of politics, the state, and government. It also discusses the different types of political systems and ideologies. These NCERT Solutions are prepared by our Top Social Science Experts to take care of all Important Topics that might be asked in the upcoming examination 2024-2025. So, Students can refer to these solutions for their final Examination preparation.

These Class-11 Political Science Chapter-1 Political Theory NCERT Solutions are carefully developed using easy-to-understand language while adhering to the guidelines for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 11. Working through these solutions can be highly beneficial for students in their board exams, as well as in preparing for future competitive Exams.

NCERT Solutions Class-11 Political Science Chapter-1: Political Theory

Page No-5

Q. Write a short note on any of the political thinkers mentioned in the chapter. [50 words]


Mahatma Gandhi, an iconic figure in India’s independence movement, supported nonviolent resistance against British colonial rule. His principles of truth, nonviolence, and civil disobedience inspired millions globally. Gandhi’s leadership and philosophy continue to inspire worldwide, promoting social justice, human rights, and peaceful protest.

Page No 6

Q. Can you identify the political principle/value which is in application in each of the following statements/situations?

a. I should be able to decide which subjects I want to study in school.

b. The practice of untouchability has been abolished.

c. All Indians are equal before law.

d. Minorities can have their own schools and colleges.

e. Foreigners who are visiting India cannot vote in Indian elections.

f. There should be no censorship of media or films.

g. Students should be consulted while planning the annual day functions.

h. Everyone must join the Republic Day celebrations.


a. Individual autonomy and freedom of choice.

b. Equality and social justice.

c. Rule of law and equality before the law.

d. Freedom of religion and cultural rights.

e. Citizenship and voting rights.

f. Freedom of expression and press freedom.

g. Participation and democratic decision-making.

h. National identity and civic responsibility.

Exercises Page No 16

Q1. Which of the following statements are true/false about Political Theory?

(a) It discusses ideas that form the basis of political institutions.

(b) It explains the relationship between different religions.

(c) It explains the meanings of concepts like equality and freedom.

(d) It predicts the performance of political parties.


(a) True – Political theory discusses ideas that form the basis of political institutions, such as democracy, sovereignty, and governance structures.

(b) False – Political theory primarily focuses on political ideas, principles, and institutions, rather than the relationship between different religions, which falls under the domain of religious studies or comparative religion.

(c) True – Political theory explores and analyzes the meanings of concepts like equality, freedom, justice, and authority within political contexts.

(d) False – Political theory does not predict the performance of political parties. It deals with broader philosophical and conceptual inquiries rather than specific empirical predictions about party behavior.

Q2. Politics is more than what politicians do. Do you agree with this statement? Give examples.


Yes, I agree with this statement. Politics includes a wide range of activities and interactions beyond the actions of elected officials. Here are some examples:

  • Civil Society Engagement: Political engagement extends to activities within civil society, including advocacy groups, grassroots movements, and community organizations. These groups play a vital role in shaping public opinion, influencing policy decisions, and holding governments accountable.
  • Social Movements: Social movements, such as the civil rights movement, feminist movement, and environmental movement, are examples of politics in action outside traditional political institutions. These movements mobilize citizens around specific issues and work to effect social and political change.
  • Media and Communication: Politics involves the spread of information, influencing public discourse, and influencing public opinion through various media channels, including news outlets, social media platforms, and online forums.

Q3. Vigilant citizens are a must for the successful working of a democracy. Comment.


Vigilant citizens are essential for the effective functioning of a democracy. They serve as the backbone of democratic governance by holding elected representatives and government institutions accountable, ensuring transparency, and safeguarding civil liberties. Through active participation, critical engagement, and civic responsibility, vigilant citizens contribute to the vitality and legitimacy of democratic processes. Their scrutiny helps prevent abuse of power, corruption, and authoritarian tendencies, thereby promoting a healthy democratic culture. Ultimately, a vigilant citizenry serves as a check against tyranny and promotes the ideals of democracy, empowering individuals to actively shape their collective destiny.

Q4. In what ways is the study of political theory useful for us? Identify four ways in which political theory can be useful to us?


Studying political theory offers numerous benefits and can be useful in several ways:

  • Understanding Political Concepts: Political theory provides a framework for understanding fundamental concepts such as democracy, justice, liberty, and equality. By exploring different perspectives and interpretations, individuals gain deeper insights into the complexities of political phenomena and societal structures.
  • Critical Analysis: Political theory encourages critical thinking and analysis of political ideas, institutions, and practices. It equips individuals with the analytical tools to evaluate policies, ideologies, and governance systems, fostering informed decision-making and civic engagement.
  • Shaping Public Discourse: Political theory shapes public discourse by offering theoretical insights and normative frameworks for discussing pressing political issues. It provides a common language and conceptual vocabulary that facilitates meaningful dialogue and debate, fostering a more informed and inclusive public discourse.
  • Informing Political Action: Political theory informs political action by offering insights into the historical development, ethical dilemmas, and practical implications of different political ideologies and strategies. It helps individuals and groups navigate complex political landscapes, formulate coherent political agendas, and advocate for social change effectively.

Q5. Do you think that a good/convincing argument can compel others to listen to you?


Yes, a good and convincing argument has the potential to compel others to listen to you. A well-constructed argument supported by evidence, logic, and persuasive rhetoric can capture the attention of the audience, pique their interest, and influence their opinions and attitudes. However, the effectiveness of an argument also depends on factors such as the credibility of the speaker, the relevance of the argument to the audience’s interests and values, and the context in which the argument is presented. Additionally, open-mindedness and receptivity on the part of the audience are crucial for the success of persuasive communication. Overall, while a compelling argument can certainly increase the likelihood of being listened to, it is not guaranteed to sway everyone, as individual perspectives and biases also play a role in influencing receptiveness to persuasion.

Q6. Do you think studying political theory is like studying mathematics? Give reasons for your answer.


Studying political theory shares some similarities with studying mathematics, but there are also significant differences between the two disciplines. Here’s a comparison:


  • Abstract Concepts: Both political theory and mathematics deal with abstract concepts and theories. In political theory, concepts like justice, democracy, and rights are explored theoretically, similar to how mathematical concepts like numbers, equations, and geometric shapes are studied.
  • Logical Reasoning: Both disciplines involve logical reasoning and analytical thinking. In political theory, students analyze arguments, evaluate evidence, and construct logical frameworks to understand political phenomena. Similarly, mathematics relies on logical deduction, problem-solving, and theorem proofs.
  • Systematic Approach: Both political theory and mathematics employ a systematic approach to study their respective subjects. They often involve building upon foundational principles and theories to explore more complex ideas and phenomena.


  • Empirical vs. Abstract: While both disciplines deal with abstract concepts, political theory often engages with real-world political phenomena and empirical observations, whereas mathematics is more abstract and theoretical in nature, dealing with concepts that may not have direct empirical counterparts.
  • Interdisciplinary Nature: Political theory is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing insights from philosophy, history, sociology, and other social sciences. In contrast, mathematics is a distinct discipline with its own specialized techniques, methodologies, and fields of study.
  • Subjectivity vs. Objectivity: Political theory often involves subjective interpretations of political concepts and ideologies, influenced by historical context, cultural perspectives, and personal values. Mathematics, on the other hand, is typically more objective and relies on universally accepted rules and principles.

Summary – NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 1: Political Theory

The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 1: Political Theory provides students with a clear and concise explanation of the basic concepts of political theory. The solutions are written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, and they are accompanied by a number of examples and illustrations. It is an important resource for students who are preparing for their exams. It is also a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about political theory.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions Polity Chapter 1: Political Theory

What is political theory?

Political theory is the study of fundamental political concepts, ideologies, and principles that underpin governance and political systems.

What are some key concepts studied in political theory?

Key concepts include democracy, justice, liberty, equality, rights, sovereignty, and citizenship.

How does political theory contribute to understanding real-world politics?

Political theory provides frameworks for analyzing and critiquing political phenomena, guiding policy decisions, and shaping political discourse.

What are some major schools of thought in political theory?

Major schools include liberalism, socialism, conservatism, feminism, anarchism, and realism.

Why is studying political theory important?

Studying political theory helps individuals understand the complexities of politics, critically evaluate political ideas and systems, and participate effectively in democratic processes.

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