NCERT Solutions for Class-10 Political Science Chapter-2: Federalism

Federalism – Class 10 NCERT Solution explores how power can be distributed to account for regional and linguistic diversity. The chapter also introduces the concept of federalism, which is a power-sharing system between two or more levels of government. Power is divided into three levels: union, state, and local government. The local government in India is known as Panchayat Raj. The chapter also discusses the following topics: Decentralisation and the local government called the ‘Panchayati Raj. Our Top Social Science Experts prepare these NCERT Solutions to take care of all Important Topics that might be asked in the upcoming examination 2024-2025. So, Students can refer to these solutions for their final Examination preparation.

These Class-10 Political Science Chapter-2 Federalism NCERT Solutions are carefully developed using easy-to-understand language while adhering to the guidelines for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 10. Working through these solutions can be highly beneficial for students in their board exams and preparing for future competitive Exams.

NCERT Solutions Class – 10 Political Science Chapter – 2: Federalism

Exercises Pages No 27, 28

Q1. Locate the following States on a blank outline political map of India: Manipur, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh, and Goa.


Q2. Identify and shade three federal countries (other than India) on a blank outline political map of the world.


Q3. Point out one feature in the practice of federalism in India that is similar to and one feature that is different from that of Belgium.


One feature similar to both India and Belgium’s federalism is the presence of bicameral legislatures at both the central and regional levels, ensuring representation from different levels of government.

A feature differentiating India from Belgium is the extent of linguistic diversity and the accommodation of linguistic minorities. While both countries have linguistic diversity, India’s federalism has a stronger emphasis on linguistic federalism, with states organized largely along linguistic lines and significant autonomy granted to linguistic minorities. In contrast, Belgium’s federalism is primarily based on territorial regions rather than linguistic divisions, although language remains a significant factor in its political landscape.

Q4. What is the main difference between a federal form of government and a unitary one? Explain with an example.


The main difference between a federal form of government and a unitary one lies in the distribution of powers between central and regional/local governments. In a federal system, powers are divided between the central government and regional/local governments, with each level having its own sphere of authority. In contrast, in a unitary system, powers are concentrated at the central government level, and regional/local governments derive their authority from the central government.

Federal Form of Government: United States

Unitary Form of Government: United Kingdom.

Q5. State any two differences between the local government before and after the Constitutional amendment in 1992.


Constitutional Status

Before 1992: Local government bodies did not have a constitutional status and were largely governed by state laws.

After 1992: The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 provided constitutional recognition to local government bodies (Panchayati Raj institutions), specifying their structure, powers, and functions in Part IX of the Constitution.

Reservation of Seats

Before 1992: There was no mandatory reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) in local government bodies.

After 1992: The amendment mandated reservation of seats for SCs and STs in proportion to their population in local government institutions, ensuring their representation and participation in local governance.

Q6. Fill in the blanks:

Since the United States is a ___________________ type of federation, all the constituent States have equal powers and States are ______________vis-à-vis the federal government. But India is a _____________________ type of federation and some States have more power than others. In India, the ____________ government has more powers.


Since the United States is a coming together type of federation, all the constituent States have equal powers and States are strong vis-à-vis the federal government. But India is a holding together type of federation and some States have more power than others. In India, the Central government has more powers.

Q7. Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Give an argument and an example to support any of these positions.

Sangeeta: The policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.

Arman: Language-based States have divided us by making everyone conscious of their language.

Harish: This policy has only helped to consolidate the dominance of English over all other languages.


Sangeeta argues that the policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.

Argument: By accommodating linguistic diversity and providing recognition to various languages through measures like the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution, India has fostered a sense of inclusivity and belonging among different linguistic communities, contributing to national unity.

Example: India’s adoption of a multilingual approach in education and administration has allowed people to express themselves in their native languages while also promoting Hindi as the official language. This policy has facilitated communication and cooperation among diverse linguistic groups, promoting unity amidst diversity.

Q8. The distinguishing feature of a federal government is:

(a) National government gives some powers to the provincial governments.

(b) Power is distributed among the legislature, executive and judiciary.

(c) Elected officials exercise supreme power in the government.

(d) Governmental power is divided between different levels of government.


The distinguishing feature of a federal government is:

(d) Governmental power is divided between different levels of government.

Q9. A few subjects in various Lists of the Indian Constitution are given here. Group them under the Union, State and Concurrent Lists as provided in the table below.

A. Defence; B. Police; C. Agriculture; D. Education; E. Banking; F. Forests; G. Communications; H. Trade; I. Marriages


Union List State List Concurrent List
Defence (A) Police (B) Education (D)
Banking (E) Agriculture (C)
Communications (G) Forests (F)
Trade (H) Marriages (I)

Q10. Examine the following pairs that give the level of government in India and the powers of the government at that level to make laws on the subjects mentioned against each. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) State government

State List

(b) Central government

Union List

(c) Central and State governments

Concurrent List

(d) Local governments

Residuary Powers


(d) The central government, not the local government, has the authority to enact legislation related to residuary matters.

(d) Local governments

Residuary Powers

Q11. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List I

List II

1. Union of India

A. Prime Minister

2. State

B. Sarpanch

3. Municipal Corporation

C. Governor

4. Gram Panchayat

D. Mayor
































Q12. Consider the following two statements:

A. In a federation, the powers of the federal and provincial governments are clearly demarcated.

B. India is a federation because the powers of the Union and State Governments are specified in the Constitution and they have exclusive jurisdiction on their respective subjects.

C. Sri Lanka is a federation because the country is divided into provinces.

D. India is no longer a federation because some powers of the States have been devolved to the local government bodies.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a)   A, B and C (b) A, C and D (c) A and B only (d) B and C only


The correct statements are:

(b)   A and B only

Summary – NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2: Federalism

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2: Federalism is a chapter that explores how power can be distributed to account for regional and linguistic diversity. The chapter also introduces the concept of federalism, which is a power-sharing system between two or more levels of government. Power is divided into three levels: union, state, and local government. The local government in India is known as Panchayat Raj. The chapter also discusses the following topics: Decentralisation and the local government called the ‘Panchayati Raj. The chapter also discusses the following topics: The Union List, The State List, and The Concurrent List. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the challenges and prospects of federalism in India. The chapter also discusses the following topics: The need for federalism, The benefits of federalism, The challenges of federalism, and The future of federalism in India.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2: Federalism

What are NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2?

NCERT Solutions are detailed answers to questions from the textbook, aiding students in understanding the concepts of federalism better.

How can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 10 Political Science benefit students?

They provide clear explanations and examples related to federalism, helping students grasp the topic effectively and prepare for exams.

Do NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 cover all the topics of the chapter comprehensively?

Yes, they cover all the key concepts discussed in the chapter, providing thorough explanations and solutions to questions.

Can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 be used for exam preparation?

Absolutely, they serve as valuable study resources, offering practice questions and answers that align with the exam syllabus, aiding students in their preparation.

How can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 10 Political Science help in understanding the importance of federalism?

NCERT Solutions provide insights into the principles and functioning of federalism, helping students appreciate its significance in diverse democratic societies.

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