Underscore.js _.sortBy Function
Underscore.js _.sortBy() function is used to sort all the elements of the list in ascending order according to the function given to it as a parameter. Passing the array with a function that returns the number and will sort the array in ascending order and return an array. The array can be both numeric values and string values....
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Difference between lodash and Underscore
The lodash and UnderScore both are utility libraries from JavaScript which helps make it easier by providing utils which makes, working with arrays, numbers, objects, and strings much easier. They provide a group of tools used for common programming operations having a strong functional programming task....
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Underscore.js _.pluck Function
The Underscore.js is a JavaScript library that provides a lot of useful functions that helps in the programming in a big way like the map, filter, invoke, etc even without using any built-in objects....
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Underscore.js _.uniq() Function
Underscore.js _.uniq() function returns the array which does not contain duplicate elements. The first occurrence of the element is included in the resultant array. The operation of checking whether the array is duplicate or not. It is done by the ‘===’ operation....
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Underscore.js _.filter Function
Underscore.js _.filter() is used to check which elements in the passed array satisfy the condition. It will form a new array of all those elements that satisfy the condition passed from the array. It is mostly used when needed to find certain elements from a large array....
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Underscore.js _.isEmpty() Function
Underscore.js _.isEmpty() function is used to check whether a list, array, string, object, etc is empty or not. It first finds out the length of the passed argument and then decides. If the length is zero, then the output is true otherwise false....
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Underscore.js _.isEqual() Function
Underscore.js _.isEqual() function: is used to find whether the 2 given arrays are the same or not. Two arrays are the same if they have the same number of elements, both the property and the values need to be the same. It may be beneficial in situations where the elements of the array are not known and we want to check whether they are the same or not....
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Underscore.js _.groupBy Function
Underscore.js _.groupBy() function is used to make a collection of the elements in the array passed. It works by matching the value of each element to the other. If they match then they are put in one collection otherwise we will have 2 collections/groups. We can also pass a function based on whose result we will collect the elements. It can group both based on numbers and also by string....
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Underscore.js _.find() Function
Underscore.js _.find() function looks at each element of the list and returns the first occurrence of the element that satisfies the condition. If any element of the list does not satisfy the condition then it returns the undefined value....
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Underscore.js _.extend() Function
Underscore.js _.extend() function is used to create a copy of all of the properties of the source objects over the destination object and return the destination object. The nested arrays or objects will be copied by using reference, not duplicated....
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Underscore.js _.contains Function
Underscore.js _.contains() function is used to check whether a particular item is given in the list or not. This function needs to pass the list to this function. If the list contains a large of items then simply define the list earlier and pass the name of the list as an argument to the _.contains() function....
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Underscore.js _.omit() Function
Underscore.js _.omit() function is used to return a copy of the object that was filtered to omit the blacklisted keys....
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