jQuery event.isPropagationStopped() Method
jQuery event.isPropagationStopped() Method is used to check whether the object event.stopPropagation() is called or not. If event.stopPropagation() is called then it returns true otherwise returns false....
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jQuery event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() Method
jQuery isImmediatePropagationStopped() Method is used to check whether this method was called for the event or not. If it was called then it will be “true” or else “false”....
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jQuery event.type Property
The jQuery event.type is an inbuilt property that is used to return which event type is started....
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jQuery event.pageY Property
The jQuery event.pageY is an inbuilt property that is used to find the position of the mouse pointer relative to the top edge of the document....
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React onTouchEnd Event
React onTouchEnd event event fires when the user touches screen and releases the touch. Similar to other elements in it, we have to pass a function for process execution....
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React Events Reference
When the user interacts with the web application events are fired. That event can be a mouse click, a keypress, or something rare like connecting the battery with a charger. From the developer side, we need to ‘listen’ to such events and then make our application respond accordingly. This is called event handling which provides a dynamic interface to a webpage....
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Backbone.js on Event
Backbone.js on Event is used to bind a callback function to an object. When an event is triggered, the callback is invoked. If there are large numbers of events on a page then the convention is to use colons to namespace each event:...
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React onCopy Event
React onCopy Clipboard event is an event handler which detects the copy process in the browser using JavaScript. When the user starts copying data through the shortcut key (CTRL + C) or the copy button present in the menu, this even automatically fires, and the function passed to it will call itself automatically....
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React onPointerMove Event
React onPointerMove event fires when the mouse cursor is move inside the tag or element where it is applied. Similar to other events, we have to provide a function that will execute their process....
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How to check whether the event namespace is used in jQuery ?
The jQuery is lightweight, and it has a lot of features like HTML/DOM manipulation, CSS manipulation, HTML event methods, effects and animations, AJAX, utilities. Many multinational companies like Google, IBM, and Microsoft use the jQuery library in their application....
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React onPointerDown Event
React onPointerDown event fires when the mouse cursor is move inside the tag or element where it is applied. Similar to other events, we have to provide a function that will execute their process....
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Backbone.js once Event
Backbone.js Once Event is used to bind a callback function to an object, i.e invoked only once when an event is triggered before it is removed. In this type of event triggering, the callback is invoked only once for every event passed to it....
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