JavaScript contextmenu MouseEvent
When we click the right mouse button on our desktop, a menu-like box appears and this box is called the context menu. In JavaScript, a context menu event runs when a user tries to open a context menu. This can be done by clicking the right mouse button....
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jQuery scroll() Method
The jQuery scroll() is an inbuilt method which is used to user scroll in the specified element. This method works for all scrollable elements and the browser window....
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React onBlur Event
React onBlur event is an event that triggers when an element loses focus. In web development, this event is commonly used with HTML form elements or in JSX syntax in React, such as input fields, text areas, and buttons....
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React onChange Event
React onChange is an event handler that triggers when there is any change in the input field....
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React onScroll Event
React onScroll helps to listen for scroll interactions within specific elements and trigger actions accordingly. It triggers whenever the scrolling position changes within the specified element. It is useful when implementing infinite scrolling, parallax effects, lazy loading, or dynamic UI changes....
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How to prevent the default action of an event in JavaScript ?
The term “default action” usually refers to the default behavior or action that occurs when an event is triggered. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to prevent a default action of an event....
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HTML Event Attributes Reference
Events are actions that happen in the browser when the user does something For example when users click on the mouse or type something on the keyboard....
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jQuery mouseover() Method
The jQuery mouseover() method is an inbuilt method which works when mouse pointer moves over the selected elements....
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JavaScript onmouse Events
The onmouse event is used to define the operation using the mouse....
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How to set the cursor to wait in JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, we could easily set the cursor to wait. In this article, we will see how we are going to do this. Actually, it’s quite an easy task, there is a CSS cursor property and it has some values and one of the values is wait. We will use the [cursor: wait] property of CSS and control its behavior using JavaScript....
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jQuery Event Methods Complete Reference
An event refers to the actions performed by the site visitor during their interactivity with the website (or webpage). There can be various types of events such as...
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jQuery | off() Method
The off() Method in jQuery is used to remove event handlers attached with the on() method. The off() method brings a lot of consistency to the API and it replace unbind(), die() and undelegate() methods....
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