jQuery mouseleave() Method
The jQuery mouseleave() method is an inbuilt method which works when the mouse pointer leaves the selected element....
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Which event will be triggered when element get focused in HTML ?
When the user interacts with the HTML elements, HTML has the ability to let events trigger actions in a browser, such as a user clicks on an element, focus in or focus out of an element etc. The events that are related to focus are contained within the DOM FocusEvent Object. The onfocus will be triggered when an element is in focus in HTML....
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React onMouseMove Event.
React onMouseMove event detects a mouse movement over an element. The event triggers when the mouse pointer moves while positioned over an element. It is particularly useful where you want to track and respond to the movement of the user’s cursor....
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jQuery event.namespace Property
The jQuery event.namespace property is used to return the custom namespace whenever the event is triggered. It is used to handle tasks differently depending on the namespace used....
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jQuery event.data Property
jQuery event.data property is used to contain the optional data which is passed to an event method. The data is passed when the currently executing handler is bound....
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jQuery | $.proxy() Method
The $.proxy() Method in jQuery accepts an existing function and returns a new one with a particular context. Generally, it is used for attaching events to an element where the context is pointing back to a different object....
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React onClick Event
React onClick is an event handler utilized to capture and respond to user clicks on specific elements, typically interactive ones like buttons or links....
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React onResize Event
React onResize() event is not like onClick() or onChange(). Instead, developers can leverage the window object’s resize event within the useEffect() hook to handle resizing events....
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How to detect caps lock key turned on or not ?
While working with some kind of web application we often need to know various information about user interaction to execute our functionality accordingly i.e. we use APIs to handle button clicks, methods to listen to the keys, etc. Similarly, there may be some cases when we need to know whether Caps Lock is active or not. One use case of this can be the authentication system where the application notifies the user when caps lock is on during entering passwords. Hopefully, javascript provides methods and techniques to work around this situation and we are going to discuss all stuff in this article....
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Fullscreen API using JavaScript
The window supports the full-screen interface by using web API. We can activate or deactivate the full-screen mode of the screen. The fullscreen API provides methods to present a specific element in a full-screen mode....
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React onTouchStart Event
React onTouchStart event fires when the user touches one or more points in the element or tag. Similar to other elements in it, we have to pass a function for process execution....
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React onPaste Event
React onPaste event is an event handler which triggers when a user pastes any text or data in any tag inside the browser. It is mostly used on <input> tags. Paste can be done through shortcut keys (CTRL + V) or the Paste button present inside the menu....
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