Changing CSS styling with React onClick() Event
Changing CSS styling with React onClick() Event simply means changing the CSS property or CSS classes when the click event triggers. It can be done by switching the states to update the classes when a button is clicked...
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Create a Quiz Application Using JavaScript
In this article, we will learn how to create a quiz application using JavaScript. The quiz application will contain questions followed by a total score shown at the end of the quiz. The score will increase based on the correct answers given. Initially, there are only three questions but you can increase the questions in the JavaScript file....
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jQuery focus() Method
jQuery focus() is an inbuilt method that is used to focus on an element. The element gets focused by the mouse click or by the tab-navigating button....
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Trigger a keypress/keydown/keyup event in JS/jQuery
In this article, we are going to discuss 2 methods of logging key-presses in web technologies using vanilla JavaScript as well as Jquery. We will also discuss the events related to key-presses in JavaScript. Firstly we have to create a structure so let’s make an HTML and CSS layout first....
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What is Event bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript ?
Event bubbling and event capturing are the two interesting concepts of JavaScript. Before diving deep into these fascinating concepts, let us first know about what an event listener is? An event listener is basically a function that waits for an event to occur. That event can be anything like a mouse click event, submitting a form, pressing keys of a keyboard, etc....
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jQuery event.preventDefault() Method
The jQuery preventDefault() Method is used to stop the default action of the selected element to occur. It is also used to check whether preventDefault() method is called for the selected element or not....
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JavaScript onKeyPress onKeyUp and onKeyDown Events
Whenever a key is pressed or released, there are certain events that are triggered. Each of these events has a different meaning and can be used for implementing certain functionalities depending on the current state and the key that is being used....
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JavaScript Coordinates of Mouse
In JavaScript, we have methods that help us to capture the location of the mouse on the screen. The top left corner of the screen is (0, 0) i,e, X, and Y coordinates are (0, 0). This means that vertical zero is the topmost point and horizontal zero is the leftmost point. In this article, we are going to learn how to find the Coordinates of the Mouse cursor in JavaScript....
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jQuery event.stopPropagation() Method
The jQuery event.stopPropagation() method is an inbuilt method which is used to stop the windows propagation. In the DOM tree when setting an event with the child element and the parent element as well then if you hit on the child element event it will call both child and the parent element as well. So with the help of this method this popup will not appear for the other element except selected element....
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How to Add Edit and Delete Table Row in jQuery ?
In this article, we will create an example of how to add, edit and delete table rows in jQuery. For creating this functionality we need to know about the basics of the HTML table, jQuery basic functionality....
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React onKeyDown Event
React onKeyDown event occurs on a key press event in a browser. onKeyDown is an updated event in place of onKeyPress....
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Difference between body.onload() and document.ready() function
The body.onload() event will be called once the DOM and all associated resources like images got loaded. Basically, onload() will be called when the page has been fully loaded with entire images, iframes and stylesheets, etc....
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