Kubernetes – Injecting ConfigMap in Pods
Pre-requisite: Kubernetes...
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What is Continuous Delivery (CD) in Agile?
Software delivery and deployment have evolved over the years from manual processes to automated processes. During the days of the manual delivery process, once the deployment to the production server is ready, a major update is done during the night or when no users are accessing the server and there would be long server downtime but using the agile continuous delivery method, small iterations of changes are added seamlessly with the automated delivery process. In this article, let us discuss the continuous delivery process in Agile....
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Microsoft Azure – New Azure Home Screen
In this article we will learn how to use the Azure Portal home page. On, the Azure Portal home page, Azure has made some updates and in the article, we are going to look through that. So when you first land on home, you will see that Azure has these multiple sections. Azure has the Azure Services, the recent, navigate tools, and then you have the useful links and mobile app. One of the big things here, Azure has tried to really differentiate the two pieces. So, it has Azure Services and recent resources. That’s more about you and your usage of the product....
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Resource Management Models in Cloud Computing
Pre-requisite:- Cloud Computing...
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Kubernetes – Kubectl Commands
Pre-requisites: Kubernetes...
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What is Kubernetes Blue Green Deployment?
Blue-green deployment is a software deployment strategy that involves running two identical production environments, known as “blue” and “green.” At any given time, only one of these environments serves live traffic, while the other remains idle or serves only non-production traffic (e.g., testing or staging)....
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AWS Application Load Balancer Using Terraform
In contemporary cloud infrastructure setups, managing and distributing incoming traffic effectively across various instances is central to ensuring the high accessibility and scalability of applications. Among the bunch of services given by AWS (Amazon Web Services), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) stands apart as a basic part of working with this task. ELB automatically circulates approaching application traffic across a fleet of targets, for example, EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, or Lambda functions, across different availability zones, ensuring adaptation to non-critical failure and high accessibility....
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How to Deploy Kubernetes on AWS?
Kubernetes, the open-supply box orchestration platform, has emerge as the solution for dealing with containerized applications. When it comes to deploying Kubernetes at the cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS) gives a robust and scalable environment. In this manual, we can walk you through the manner of deploying Kubernetes on AWS step by step....
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How To Use Kubernetes Network Policies?
Kubernetes is the kind of container-centric management software used for the deployment and operation of cont energized applications. It was originally developed by google clouds. It improves your reliability and reduces the time, workload and provides developers resources attributes to daily operations. It allows you to scale up and down your application....
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How To Trigger Jenkins Builds Remotely And To Pass Parameters?
Jenkins is an automation tool that is used to automate the build, test, and deploy stages of a software application. It allows the user to create a job and build the job by triggering remotely from any other external tool. Here in this guide, I will first discuss what is Jenkins. Then I will discuss why to trigger Jenkins to build a job remotely. After this, I will walk you through the different steps to trigger a Jenkins build remotely and pass parameters to it....
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What is DevOps?
Getting a job in the most demanding profession is a big way but you can get into it, once you have the basics cleared. Since DevOps is one such field which is the most popular one in the tech industry, let’s talk about it if you’re a DevOps enthusiast....
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How To Get Azure SQL Database Connection String ?
Azure SQL Database is one of the primary services available in Azure to manage queries and ensure the structure of the data in the database. It is a relational Database-as-a-service model based on the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine....
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