Microsoft Azure – Using Azure Form Recognizer
In this article, we will learn how to extract information with Azure Form Recognizer. Programmatically extracting information from images and documents is complex and requires complex machinery, learning models. Azure Form Recognizer can help with this, with pre-trained machine learning models that can recognize information on documents, receipts, and invoices....
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Microsoft Azure – Introduction to Azure Database For MySQL
This article aims to provide introductory knowledge of the Azure Database for MySQL. By the end of this read, users will be able to...
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Microsoft Azure – Firewall Network Flow Logs with TimeGenerated using KQL
Here, In this article, we will be using the azure kql log queries to fetch the azure network flow logs traffic flowing through by setting the time using TimeGenerated in query. We will look into a few various examples and how we can use them to filter the results....
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Microsoft Azure – Enabling Logs for Troubleshooting the Azure Firewall Rules
Azure Firewall Diagnostic settings are used to configure logs and metrics for a resource to the destination of Log Analytics Workspace....
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Microsoft Azure – Resizing Virtual Machine Using PowerShell Script
In this article, we will look into the process of resizing azure VMs at once using the Azure PowerShell automation script in the Azure portal by using the cloud shell....
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Difference Between Jenkins Agent And Node
Jenkins is a popular open-source tool to perform continuous integration and build automation. Jenkins has established itself as a go-to tool for automating the development process. Jenkins can distribute tasks across multiple machines or environments, which are often referred to as agents or nodes. While we sometimes use these terms interchangeably, they serve distinct purposes in the Jenkins ecosystem. In this article, we will be exploring the differences between Jenkins Agent and Node....
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How to Use Cloud NAT For Outbound Internet Access on GCP?
NAT Gateway is a Network address translation gateway that enables multiple devices to access a public network through a single IP address. It is mainly used to conserve registered IP addresses and use private IP addresses instead. Cloud NAT is used to expose internal private resources to the internet. We will see step by step process to do the same....
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How to Push Docker Image to AWS ECS Fargate Using Terraform?
ECS helps to manage containers and this service is provided by AWS, it allows users to easily manage and scale docker containers on a cluster of ec2 instances, without having to manage the underlying infrastructure....
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How To Create Spot Instance In Aws-Ec2 In Aws Latest Wizards?
Spot instances are available at up to 90% discount because when instances are not used then the instance available in spot instance at a cheaper rate so that people can utilize. it. When the demand increases then amazon sent a notification your spot instance will disappear after two minutes. We can use it for temporary work if our data losses it will not affect us. AWS always recommended not using spot instances for your important work....
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Google Cloud Security Scanner
Pre-requisite: Google Cloud Security...
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How To Assign a Dedicated Key Vault Administrator Role to a User in Azure?
Pre-requisite:- Azure...
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Microsoft Azure – Create App Service Plan For Linux (Azure CLI)
An app service plan is a subscription model for hosting apps on Azure. It allows you to host multiple apps on a single server without having to pay for each app separately. In this article, we will show you how to deploy an Azure App Service Plan for Linux service type using Azure CLI (Command Line Interface) from Azure Portal in simple easy steps....
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