Resiliency in Cloud Computing
Pre-requisite: Cloud Computing...
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Microsoft Azure – Install Guest Configuration Extension for Windows
Pre-requisite:- Azure...
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Kubernetes – Volumes
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool developed by Google. It is primarily employed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of software. In short, Kubernetes is termed as K8s. Kubernetes is currently maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Although it now supports both containerd and CRI-O in addition to the Docker runtime Engine with which it was first intended to communicate. Automating the operations of container management is Kubernetes’ primary goal. It has built-in commands for application deployment and rolling out necessary modifications to the application. Companies like Google, Spotify, and Capital One are now using it....
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Google Cloud Platform Networking Services
Google Cloud Platform offers a suite of networking services that can help you manage and build complex network architectures, reduce network latency, and simplify network administration. To learn more about the GCP Networking Services, read on!...
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How to Install SQL Server on Azure VM?
Microsoft Azure provides us with multiple database services which help us to run popular relational database management systems, like MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL in the cloud...
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Microsoft Azure – Retrieve Azure Virtual Machine Admin User Name
In this article, you will get to know, how you can find an azure Virtual machine admin user name in crucial situations to recover an azure VM Username. Purpose – this username will help you to reset an azure VM password in the absence of Admin or else if some forget or In case of verifying the username....
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Microsoft Azure – Configuring an Alert Rule with Azure Monitor
The azure monitor is a powerful monitoring tool that works like a smart dashboard for our applications and services by collecting application, guest operating system(OS), Azure resource, Azure subscription, and Azure tenant monitoring data to help us gain insights, understand the performance of our cloud and on-premise applications and services to easily identify issues that might affect them and know the factors and resources they depend on....
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Microsoft Azure – Creating an HTTP Trigger with Azure Logic Apps
In this article, we will look into how to set up an HTTP Request Trigger that could be used in an Azure Logic App. These triggers get activated whenever an event occurs. The event needs to be decided by the trigger creator....
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Amazon RDS – Exporting DB Snapshot Data to Amazon S3
This article will cover all the steps involved in exporting DB Snapshot data to Amazon S3. For this process, we primarily need a pre-existing Snapshot and an Amazon S3 bucket. We can even create the S3 bucket during the exporting process, but an existing one will sort the task and make it quicker. Exporting a DB Snapshot extracts the data from the database snapshot and stores it on your desired S3 bucket to analyze further....
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Google Cloud Platform – Deploying Django & its Content Management Systems
Django is a web framework written in Python that handles serving web pages for you. You define data models as Python objects, and Django simplifies communicating these to a database....
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AWS DynamoDB – Creating a Table
DynamoDB allows users to create databases capable of storing and retrieving any amount of data and comes in handy while serving any amount of traffic. It dynamically manages each customer’s request and provides high performance by automatically distributing data and traffic over servers. It is a fully managed NoSQL database service that is fast, predictable in terms of performance, and seamlessly scalable. It relieves the user from the administrative burdens of operating and scaling a distributed database as the user doesn’t have to worry about hardware provisioning, patching Software, or cluster scaling....
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Amazon Web Services – Introduction to Amazon Lightsail
Amazon Light is an AWS service that provides the a gateway for simplified cloud hosting helping the AWS users. It act as a user-friendly cloud platform that is designed for easy hosting and management of virtual private servers (VPS). With the lightsail service users can quickly develop and manage the VPS instances with options for various operating systems.. It provides a streamlined interface and with predictable pricing. It is an ideal solution for developers, small businesses and startups for the AWS Cloud without having any complexity association with cloud services....
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