Amazon Web Services Budget Setup
In this article, we will see AWS Budget Setup. It is a good idea to set up a billing budget so that we know when we go over spending some money and we can get alerted in case of that....
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Microsoft Azure – Data Protection in Azure SQL
In this article, we will learn about the data protection aspects of Azure SQL. Azure SQL provides a Unified package of SQL security intelligent capabilities, which includes:...
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Microsoft Azure – Accessing GRUB on Ubuntu
In this article, you will learn how to configure your Ubuntu Azure VM for GRUB, and use GRUB to drop into a single-user mode. GRUB is the Grand Unified Boot loader. It’s available during Boot App and allows you to select what operating system to run or even select a specific kernel configuration that’s available....
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Microsoft Azure – Notebooks in Cosmos DB
In this article we will learn about how to use Azure Cosmos DB built-in notebooks. So, the easiest way to get started is from the data explorer. You can go to the gallery tab, and so you have official samples written by the Cosmos DB team as well as samples submitted by users in the public gallery. Azure has notebooks written for both C# and Python and samples cover everything from getting started content to general key concepts in Cosmos DB....
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Microsoft Azure – Create SHH Key to Manage Azure Linux VMs
Creating an SSH key resource allows you to manage and use public keys stored in Azure with Linux virtual machines....
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Microsoft Azure – Configure Azure SQL with Azure CLI
In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at how you can configure something like connectivity using the Azure CLI. What we have here is we are in Azure Data Studio and similar to the SQL notebook we are actually using a PowerShell notebook. That just means all our code cells are going to run PowerShell and we are just connecting to localhost....
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Microsoft Azure – Application Security with Azure Active Directory
In this article, we will look into how to secure a Blazor WebAssembly app with Azure Active Directory. Azure Active Directory, or AAD, provides an intelligent identity as a service that protects your application....
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Microsoft Azure – Migrating From MySQL to Cloud
In this article, we will learn how to migrate your MySQL database to Azure.  Here we are going to migrate an existing MySQL database to an Azure Database for MySQL. There are many ways to do that, and we’ll use MySQL Workbench to do it....
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Difference Between Azure Vnet and Subnet
Azure Virtual Network and Subnet shine as a guiding light of innovation within the cloud domain. However, their nature appeals to the hidden factors and logical inconsistency that complicate cloud science. Today, I invite you on a quest to uncover the mystery and differentiate between Azure VNet and Subnet....
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Rapid Dev Environment Creation With DevTest Labs
Imagine, you are working on an application and it is in its final stage of development but you want to test your application in such a testing environment where it is easy to create and destroy servers for testing purposes in an easier way. In Microsoft Azure, we can anticipate such a testing environment with the help of Azure DevTest Labs....
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Deploy a Spring Boot Application with AWS
A spring boot application is a Java-based web application that is built using the Spring Boot framework. Spring Boot is a project designed to simplify the development and deployment of production-ready Java applications....
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How to Trigger GitHub Action via API ?
GitHub Actions are like little assistants that help you automate tasks in your GitHub repositories. Imagine you have a bunch of repetitive tasks like testing your code, deploying it, or even sending notifications. Instead of doing these tasks manually every time, GitHub Actions can do them for you automatically....
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