Global Analytics Interview Experience for Software Engineer | On-Campus 2020

The online test and the interview process were pretty standard. Around 280 took the online test, and they shortlisted 12 students for the interviews. The interview process was virtual and had 3 rounds:

Round 1:

  1. Count the number of submatrices that can be formed by 1s in a 2d boolean matrix. (Optimized solution of the problem from the online test)

  2. Count the number of islands formed by 1s in a 2d matrix of 0s(water) and 1s(land).


    [0 0 1]
    [1 0 0]
    [1 1 1]
  3. Given two strings with some characters and ‘#’ denoting a backspace…check if they both result in the same string after the backspaces are done accordingly(solve with and without extra space)


    ab#c and acbc## result in the same string “ac”
  4. Given an array of positive and negative integers. You are allowed to jump from an index i to: i+1,i-1, and k in one jump where k is any other index in array where arr[i]==arr[k]. Find the minimum number of jumps needed to reach the end of the array of you start from the first index.

Round 2:

  1. Explain your machine learning project.
  2. How does Linear regression work?
  3. What is Mean Squared Error?
  4. What is gradient descent?
  5. Explain your website’s login module code.
  6. How will you use sessions and cookies?
  7. Classification vs Regression
  8. Normalization forms(1-3)
  9. ACID properties in RDBMS
  10. How will you achieve Isolation in RDBMS?
  11. Write a code to find the height of BST.

Round 3(Director): Output for a c program based on character pointer and malloc().Explain what happens in each line:

  1. The program was something like this:


    void func(char *str)
       strcpy(str,"global analytics");
    int main(void)  
      char *str=(char *)malloc(50);
      printf("%s -- %d",str,(int)strlen(str));
      return 0;


  2. Some in-depth questions about the memory allocation and the pointers in the program like where are the variables stored actually and how they are stored.
  3. What is the biggest number a char can hold?
  4. What will be inside stdio.h?
  5. What is the use of python’s dictionary?
  6. Explain any one project.
  7. He also picked another project from my GitHub and asked me to explain the code.

Finally, some HR questions and that was it.

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