Bosch Global Software Technologies(BGSW) Interview Experience for Associate Software Engineer

Round 1: Technical Round

It was an online assessment round on the SHL platform, it consisted of MCQs based on core subjects and verbal ability, it consisted of 2 DSA problems, level of the problem was easy-medium. I was able to solve both of them easily. I cleared this round.

Round 2: Technical + Behavioral Round

It was an online interview. The interview started with my introduction, then the interviewer started asking me about my projects. The interviewer liked the project structure, approach, and the use-case. Then he asked me a DSA question, which was very basic. After that, he asked me questions on core subjects and Linux. I was also asked questions related to COA, and digital engineering.

I was able to answer most of the questions, except the ones related to COA and digital engineering. After this, Interviewer asked some behavioral questions and situation-based questions like what would you do if one of your teammates went on an unplanned leave due to some emergency and his work is pending with a close deadline? The interviewer was quite impressed with my answers.

I was able to clear this round as well.

Verdict: I was given the offer.

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