Global Analytics Interview Experience

Question on files and hash table (it was a kind of dfs searching ..).

Essay writing :
2 topics were there write any one of them (300 words).

1 hrs discussion on the code given in written round, explain complete code ,find any mistake correct it (i did one mistake so i corrected that ).

Question on DBMS like normalization , join.. ….etc
Synchronization, Mutual exclusion , Semaphore its importance, counting and binary semaphore, functions of operating system , Diamond problem in c++ , how u will resolve this , multiple inheritance , interface in java , compiler vs interpreter , pointer vs reference variable , how u will access private member of a class …and more question from technical subject don’t remember write now.

Puzzle :

1. A chess board is given (as we know that it is having black and white color ) . Now u are allowed to choose any shape (like 2 by 2 or 4 by 6) ..if u choose any shape then black color become white and white become now at the end u need complete chess board black color ….how many selections u will do (minimum).

2.You have 3 baskets, one with apples, one with oranges and one with both apples and oranges mixed. Each basket is closed and is labeled with ‘Apples’, ‘Oranges’ and ‘Apples and Oranges’. However, each of these labels is always placed incorrectly. How would you pick only one fruit from a basket to place the labels correctly on all the baskets?

Thanks Beginner for Beginner ?


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