Perceptive Analytics Interview Experience for Visual Analytics Intern

Round 1

  • The initial round was based on Resume and Cover Letter Shortlisting
  • Since the role was of Visual Analytics Intern, make sure to tailor your resume as per the Job Description.
  • Write a decent cover letter mentioning what all the skills you’ve, the projects which make you a good fit for the role.

Tip: Scrutinize the JD carefully and frame your cover letter around it. Take the help of AI tools if needed to improvise.

Round 2 (Online Test)

  • This was the OLT round which was a case study based.
  • The HR along with all the candidates were on Zoom Call and a document was shared with us by mail.
  • We were asked to open the doc attached in the mail and share the screen with the camera on.
  • It was a Restaurant Case Study; few data inputs were provided, and the objective was to play with them and come up with a solution to maximize the profits.
  • We were allotted 60 min to type our answers on that shared Google Doc. Applied all my knowledge of analytics, mathematics, statistics, etc. to the dataset to come up with a model which would increase the revenue.
  • Finally, we were told to save the document, fill in our details at the bottom and end our task.

    Tip: Carefully analyze the data and try relating the parameters to meet the objective.

Round 3 (Personal Interview)

  • The interviewer moved straight onto the projects mentioned in my resume.
  • He told me to explain all three projects I had made and questioned why, what part related to stuff like its real-life implications, Tech stacks used, etc.
  • Then he asked me to design an ML model (assuming you be a Visual Analytics Engineer) for Zomato in order to reduce the delivery time. I told him about the parameters we can track such as location, ratings, delivery boy’s info, prices, traffic, etc. He was satisfied with the explanation I provided.
  • Discussions on Machine Learning models, data interpretation, and steps of data handling. I published a research paper on ML-based prediction of stress in High entropy alloys. He went deep into & we had a good discussion on my research paper.

    Tips: You should know everything about the projects mentioned in the resume. Calm yourself before answering and pay attention to what the interviewer says.

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