Providence Global Centre Interview Experience for SDE – On Campus 2020

Providence visited our campus in the month of September for recruiting Software Engineers for there new office in Hyderabad. The procedure for the recruitment included 4 rounds and this happened virtually due to the pandemic.

Round 1: Online Hackeearth Exam. The first round was the online exam in which about 600 students appeared. The exam was of 150 minutes and contained 31 questions which included 28 MCQ’s, 2 Coding Questions, and 1 SQL query. The MCQ were mostly from the oops concept in java, input/output from c++, and also included SQL and aptitude. The SQL query used joins and was not that tough.

  1. The first code was about Strings. We were given two strings, and we have to convert string s1 into a palindromic string in such a way that it contained s2 as the substring and find the minimum number of operations required for that.
  2. The second code was a slight variation of the maximum coin change problem.

38 Students went to the next round for the interviews.

Round 2: Face to Face Interview 1(Technical). The interviewer started with an introduction and then moving on asked various things about bootstrap as both of my internships were related to the front-end domain and I have worked on bootstrap. The questions were very basic and in the end, she also asked why we went for using bootstrap. Then she moved on with my projects and asked where the idea came, and how you implemented it. Then she started with BFS and DFS, when I need to use any of the algorithms and what are their benefits, moving on to Dijkstra’s algorithm. Then she asked about the difference between a Hashmap and Hashtable and where we use both the data- structures. Then moving on she asked me a question about reversing the string using the stack and then asked me in a slight variation that how could I reverse the string inside the stack only(reverse a stack using recursion). She asked me to write the code for both. Then she asked some basics questions about oops and the moved towards distributed computation and asked few basic concepts. She then further asked about concurrency techniques and about locks. Then in the asked me a question about how can I sell my project in a unique way to the client.

Round 3: Face to Face Interview 2(Managerial). The interviewer started with my projects and about my internships and then started with some basic questions like how to see myself evolving over the years. Then began with some managerial questions:

  1. How have you worked in a team and what are the benefits you see while working in a team.
  2. The most difficult situation I have faced in my life and I regret that decision.
  3. I am a part of a team and I found a bug in the project, and it is to be given next morning so what can I do and how can I approach someone if not able to solve the problem
  4. Any event where I have shown my leadership skills.
  5. How important you see presenting something when you are out selling your product.
  6. She moved towards my internship and asked me various questions about how can I learn new technologies, what would be my approach.
  7. What are the main things which I see when I am going to sell a product and how much important is the UI/UX and how can I analyze the website like (who are using it, how they are using and all these internships related things)
  8. In the end concluded with a question that how can I improve myself in technology and the difference between Bootstrap, React, and Redux.

Round 4: Face to Face Interview 3(HR). The interview started with a basic introduction about me, then I was asked to tell you what was in my resume. Then she began to ask questions like which project is very close to your heart and how you started with it. Moving on she began with my extra circular activities and then moving on to how the leadership skills have been used by me in an event, what are the benefits of working in a team, and then coming towards all the adventurous events which I have done till now. What type of differences I faced when I was moving from Haryana to Vellore and what are the difficulties I faced during this change. Then, in the end, ended things with why I wanted to join providence and what are the benefits I see when I work with the organization.

In the end, they took 8 students, and unfortunately, I was not able to make it through after the HR.

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