ZS Associates Interview Experience for BTSA (On-Campus) 2023

Status: B.E. (Tier 3) On-Campus

Location: Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Gurgaon

Date: August 2023

There were a total of 4 rounds.

1st Round: Online Assessment

59 Questions | 6 Sections | 52 Minutes

  • Section 1:Reasoning Ability (25 Question) | 5 min
    This section is the easiest one but the only problem is the time limit. Hard to complete within the time limit. Since there is No Negative Marking in the last 30 seconds I just select any option.
    Question on the Next element in the series, Alphabetic Patterns, Mirror Image, Image formed after overlapping.
  • Section 2:Analytical Ability and Problem-Solving (8 Question) | 8 min9
    Question based on directions, Encoding / Decoding, Blood Relations, Venn Diagram.
  • Section 3:Unstructured Problem Solving (2 Question) | 14 min
    This was the Toughest Section not only in this round but in the entire assessment.
    The challenge was to guess a number in a range according to the data given in the case study.
    12 – 15 data points were given and you have to filter out the data points which are related to the question and then make a guess accordingly.
  • Section 4:Numerical Ability (8 Question) | 8 min
    Questions based on Probability, Permutation, Sets, Profit/Loss, Simple and Compound Interest.
  • Section 5:Critical Thinking (8 Question) | 12 min
    In this round, you have to infer the insight from the given options after reading the paragraphs.
  • Section 6:Verbal Ability (8 Question) | 5 min
    Question on Tenses, Fill in the blanks, jumbled sentences, errors in the sentence and paragraph rephrasing.

2nd Round: Online Assessment (Verbal Assessment)

  • Section 1:
    This section includes multiple statements/audio clips and you will have to read and record these statements/content of audio clips.
    2-3 clips will be 16 sec long others will be easy.
    Clips can be played only 1 time.
  • Section 2:
    A topic will be given on the spot and 1:45 min will be given to think.
    And then speaking on a topic for 60 seconds.
  • Section 3:
    A paragraph will be played only once and then some MCQs and fill the blanks based on that.
    Since the paragraph is long just jot down data points that are straight-way asked in the MCQ.
  • Section 4:
    The final section would comprise writing a short paragraph/essay (200 words).|
    Phase II

3rd and 4th rounds on the same day.

3rd Round: Online Assessment

This was the major eliminatory round (only ~25% left).

There is no time limit on individual sections. A total of 60 min for completing all 3 sections.

  • Section 1: MCQ based on SQL
    Basic query debugging questions based on DROP, SELECT, GROUP BY, Aggregate and Window Functions.
  • Section 2: Programming Question
    C++ was not available.
    In PPT they mentioned (C++, Java, Python) will be allowed for all the coding rounds.
    There was only 1 question in this section.
    Questions were LeetCode [Easy-Medium].
  • Section 3: Writing SQL query.
    2 SQL query mostly on JOINS, Pattern Matching, GROUP BY clause.

4th round : (Technical + HR)

1-hour difference between the 3rd and 4th rounds.

The interview was scheduled with a BTS manager.

  • Questions were around Guesstimate, SQL, Hackathon attended and Problem Solved during it, and Project (Database aspects).
  • Previous Internship experience.
  • Managerial Questions, Understanding of BTSA role, Situation based questions, Team based Questions, Handling and Solving of Event Related Problems.
  • No Direct Question on DSA.

The interview lasted about 40 minutes.

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