ZS Associates Interview Experience for BTSA (On-Campus) 2022

ZS Associates visited our campus to hire full-time employees. The Role was Business technology Solution associate (in short BTSA). There were 3 rounds in total.


  • Branch: CSE, EE, ECE, IT
  • CGPA >= 6.5 with no active backlogs.
  • Process mode: Online

The registrations were taken on superset.

Round 1: Online Assessment: The duration of the test was 90 minutes. The test was Audio and video proctored. Divided into five sections. Each section was timed. You cannot choose which section you wish to attempt first. The Assessment was on Mercer | Mettle platform.

  • Quick round (5 minutes – 25 questions)
  • Analytical Questions,
  • Logical reasoning,
  • Verbal Aptitude,
  • 2 programming Questions (basic and easy).

A total of 25 students were selected for the next round.

Round 2: Case Study Round

It was also conducted on mercer – mettle platform. Duration – 65 minutes. Consisted of four sections, they were:

  • SQL Mcqs – 10 questions
  • Hands-on programming – 2 questions (Only Java and JS were language options)
  • Query writing – 2 questions (The details about the expected output were given and a complex Schema image was provided)
  • Guesstimates – 2 questions. (One of them was the amount of petrol sold in Mumbai.)

Since it was mentioned in the mail that, we are not supposed to share the questions, thus I am not mentioning the whole question.

11 students were shortlisted after this round for the technical interview round.

Round 3: Technical Interview: The interview was conducted on Superset platform. The duration of the interview was 1 hour.

Since my interview was scheduled just 1 hour after the second round, I was really panicked, nervous, and surprised. My internet connection added to it usually works extremely smoothly, but during that time it caused so many distortions and glitches, And the best part was as soon as my internet connection was restored, the electricity went out. I managed to calm myself and sort out the internet issues. And the interview began.

The interviewer introduced himself: his position, role in the company, and years of experience.

The questions were based on and aligned with the tech stack I have had on my resume. The questions asked were:

  • Tell me about yourself in a way that you’ve not mentioned in the resume (keep it short, he already said that)?
  • Difference between inner and outer joins?
  • Define Encapsulation with real-time examples.
  • In what language was React.JS written?
  • How is React.JS different from Angular.js?
  • Difference between primary and index keys?
  • How are React.js and Node.js related to the MERN stack?
  • How does a login page work? (How the frontend, backend, and database converse while signing in!)
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • A Guesstimate.
  • How does this Business technical solution associate’s role align with your goals?
  • What do you know about company ZS?
  • Why do you want to join ZS?

These were the questions that the interviewer asked me. By the end of the interview he asked if I wanted to ask anything, or do I have any questions for him. So, I asked these two questions:

  • What actually is a BTSA role – Precisely?
  • And how is it different from a DAA role, which he was on?

3 students were selected after the third round, and I was one of them.

I just have a few suggestions for those reading this, you might already know these but it’s actually important to keep these in mind while you answer the questions or prepare for an interview. They are:

  • Read as many interview experiences as you can and try to utilize them to the best of your ability. (It applies to all companies and roles.)
  • Know really well about your Role, and about the company.
  • Be extremely confident when you answer the questions. 
  • Smile, because it will not only keep you calm and help you think better, but it also reflects your calmness.
  • Lastly, ensure a great internet connection.

All the very best for your upcoming interview(s). Believe in yourself and do not, I repeat do not self-doubt.

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