ZS Associates Interview Experience for BTSA 1 (On-Campus) 2023

ZS Associates visited our campus in October to recruit full-time employees for the Business Technology Solution Associate (BTSA) role, and the process had four rounds. Here’s a detailed account of my experience:

Eligibility Criteria:

Branches: CS, IT, and E&TC
10th and 12th: 70% and above
CGPA >= 7.95 with no active backlogs
Mode: Online registration on superset

Round 1: Online Assessment

Duration: 90 minutes
It was Audio and video proctored
It was an elimination round with five sections focusing on aptitude, logical reasoning, and time management.
Each section was timed, and accuracy played a crucial role.

Round 2:Communication Round

Round 2 took place on the same day, and the shortlisted candidates received an email directly from Superset.
It had a duration of 60 minutes and was audio and video proctored. This round also served as an elimination round, divided into five sections. Four sections focused on assessments of speaking and listening skills, while the last section emphasized writing skills, requiring candidates to compose an essay.
The results of this round were declared after 2 to 3 days, with 43 students being shortlisted for the third technical assessment.

Round 3:Technical Assessment

Round 3 took place 3 to 4 days after the shortlist was declared, and it occurred on the day of the interview in the morning. This was a purely technical round, divided into three sections:
SQL MCQs: 10 questions

Hands-on programming: 1 question (Only Java and JS were language options)

Query writing: 2 questions (Details about the expected output were provided, along with a complex schema image)

The difficulty of the questions varied for everyone, with the overall difficulty of this round considered to be medium. The shortlist for this round was declared within an hour, and 19 students were selected for one-to-one interviews, which were scheduled on the same day.

Interview Round:

The interview round was a bit different for everyone because not all interviews started on time, and there were last-minute changes in the schedule based on the interviewer’s availability. It required patience. Unfortunately, my interview got delayed, making me feel nervous. Adding to the stress, results for candidates interviewed on the scheduled day were announced promptly.

After three days, I received an email, and my interview was rescheduled, which brought relief. The interview, lasting 40 minutes on the Superset platform, turned out to be a positive experience. The interviewer was friendly and made me feel at ease, standing out as the best among all the interviews I had attended.

The interviewer started by introducing herself and sharing her position, role in the company, and years of experience. Then, she asked me to introduce myself, and she seemed pleased with my brief introduction.

  1. I was presented with an SQL query based on a real-world scenario, involving a combination of various SQL clauses and the use of LIMIT and OFFSET keywords.
  2. I was given 3 puzzles to solve. Links of which are given below:
    I faced difficulty with the second puzzle, having never solved it previously. Seeking a hint from the interviewer, I tried and, after 5 minutes of focused effort, arrived at the correct solution. The interviewer expressed appreciation for my determination.
  3. Then I was asked some situational questions like Why ZS and Why did I think I was the best fit for the company?
    The interview continued with situational questions, including inquiries about my motivation for choosing ZS and why I believed I was the best fit for the company. Towards the end, the interviewer invited me to ask any questions. I seized this opportunity and posed three queries:
    How do employees at ZS handle last-minute changes from clients?
    Why does ZS primarily have major clients from the pharmaceutical sector?
    Could the interviewer share her experience of working at ZS?
    The interviewer answered all my queries very well and in detail which boosted my confidence.
    Final Verdict: A total of were 12 students selected and I was one of them.

    Tip: Patience is crucial throughout the process. Be confident during interviews, give your best, and never give up.
    Wishing you the best of luck!

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