Which HTML Attribute is used to justify the content ?
The HTML attribute is used to justify-content is the align attribute. The align attribute of <p> tag is used to justify the text on a web page. This can be done by assigning the value to the aligned attribute as justified. The justification of the text aligns the text in such a way that it occupies equal horizontal space from both the left and right margins of a web page improving its appearance....
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How to Rotate Image in HTML ?
In this article, we will see how to rotate images in HTML. To change the orientation of an image in HTML, you can utilize the CSS property called “transform” along with the “rotate” function. This property, when applied to the image element, enables you to specify the rotation angle (e.g., “transform: rotate(90deg);” for a 90-degree rotation). Simply adjust the angle as required to achieve the desired rotation effect....
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CSS flex Property
The flex CSS allows to set the length of flexible items. This shorthand property is the combination of flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis properties....
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How to use line break in CSS ?
Using CSS, line breaks are controlled through properties like white-space, display, or inserting content with ::before and::after pseudo-elements. These methods determine how text wraps and displays within elements....
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How to apply CSS page-break to print a table with lots of rows?
When printing a table with lots of rows the problem can arise in keeping the data together when the page ends. Since the data presented continuously makes more sense. Here we will track down ways by which one can print contents of a table with lots of rows when the situation of page-break is encountered....
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How to animate a straight line in linear motion using CSS ?
The linear motion of a straight line means the line will start from one point, goes to the second point, and then came back to the starting point. It is a kind of to and from motion. We will be doing it using CSS only....
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What is the difference between position:sticky and position:fixed in CSS ?
In CSS, position: sticky and position: fixed both offer elements the ability to stay in a fixed position during scrolling. These two CSS properties, while seemingly similar, have distinct behaviors that can significantly impact the layout and user experience of a webpage. This article will tell you the differences, providing you more understanding of CSS positioning. First, lets see the description of each position values we have then we will start the difference between position sticky and fixed with example and explanation....
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How to align two div’s horizontally using HTML ?
In this article, we will learn about aligning 2 divs beside each other in HTML. The <div> tag is a block-level element i.e. it always starts on a new line and takes all the width available to both left and right sides. It also has a top and a bottom margin. The <div> tag is used to separate a block of content or to define a section in HTML. The main use of <div> tag is as a container for HTML elements. It enables the use of CSS and JavaScript on these elements easier. Class and id attributes can be used with these tags....
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Flip the text using CSS
The Flipping effect creates a mirror image of the text. You can flip your text both horizontally and vertically. CSS3 allows adding various effects, including text flipping due to its transformation functions. You can flip a text without any JavaScript code....
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Design a Student Grade Calculator using JavaScript
Student Grade Calculator (SGC) can be used to calculate a percentage based on the marks of students. (SGC) is a fairly reliable indicator of student results....
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Create a Single Page Responsive Website Using Bootstrap
Everyone wants to create the website which is compatible with all the devices like computer, laptops, tablets, and mobiles. So for making a website responsive the best way is to make a website using Bootstrap....
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How to change the underline color in CSS?
In this article, we are going to learn how to change the underline color in CSS, To change the underline color in CSS, use the text-decoration-color property. Set it to the desired color value....
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