CSS transition Property
The transition property in CSS is used to make some transition effects. The CSS transition property is a versatile tool that allows you to create smooth and visually appealing effects on your web elements....
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CSS z-index Property
The CSS z-index property is a powerful tool that controls the stacking order of positioned elements on a webpage. It’s particularly useful when elements overlap, as it determines which element covers the other....
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CSS touch-action Property
The touch-action CSS property is used to change the view of the selected element with respect to the change in touch by the user, For example, zooming the image, scrolling the image, etc. It is the action made by the touchscreen user on a particular region selected on the screen....
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CSS flex-grow Property
The flex-grow property in CSS controls the proportional growth of an element within a flex container. It determines how much space an element should occupy relative to its siblings. This property is key to responsive design, allowing elements to adjust their size based on the available space in the container....
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How to create circular progress bar using SVG ?
In this article, we will learn how to create a circular progress bar using SVG....
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CSS background-repeat Property
The background-repeat property in CSS is used to repeat the background image both horizontally and vertically. It also decides whether the background-image will be repeated or not....
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How to create Text Buttons using CSS ?
In this article, we are going to see how to create text buttons using CSS....
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CSS width Property
The width property in CSS is used to set the width to the text, images. The width can be assign to the text and images in the form of pixels(px), percentage(%), centimetre(cm) etc. The width property does not contain padding, borders, or margins. The width property is overridden by the min-width & max-width properties. The width property, by default, sets the width for the content area, although if the value of the box-sizing is set to border-box then it will set the width of the border area....
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CSS grid-row-gap Property
The grid-row-gap property in CSS is used to define the size of the gap between the grid elements. The user can specify the width of the gap separating the rows by providing a value to the grid-row-gap....
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CSS | border-inline-style Property
The border-inline-style property is an inbuilt property in CSS which is used to set the individual logical block inline-border-style property values in a single place in the style sheet. It sets the inline border-style top(left), and bottom(right) of the defining border element....
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CSS border-style Property
CSS border-style Property is used to set the border style, and it is a shorthand property that sets the line style for all four sides of an element’s border....
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CSS |eft Property
The left property in CSS is used to specify the horizontal position of a positioned element. It has no effect on non-positioned elements....
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