How to stretch div to fit the container ?
A child div inside a container can be made to take the complete width and height of the parent div. There are two methods to stretch the div to fit the container using CSS that are discussed below:...
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CSS Padding vs Margin
In this article, we will explain the difference between CSS padding and margin....
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How to specify a fixed background-image in CSS ?
In this article, we are going to see how to specify a fixed background image in CSS. To keep your background fixed, scroll, or local in CSS, we have to use the background-attachment property....
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CSS | Conditional Rules
CSS Conditional Rules are nothing but a feature of CSS in which the CSS style is applied based on a specific condition. So the condition here can be either true or false and based on the statements/style will get executed.These rules eventually come under CSS at-rule as they start with an @.The Conditional Rules are:...
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How to affect other elements when one element is hovered in CSS ?
In this article, we will see how to affect other elements when one element has hovered using CSS. if we define 2 HTML elements where we want to hover over one element & at the same moment want to change the style of another element then both the elements should be directly related as either parent-child or sibling, which indicates either one element must be inside another element or both elements should be within the same target element so that the hover effect can be seen. Hover is used to add styling to the elements when the mouse hovers over them, i.e. when you place your cursor over the element then some text will appear which tells you about the functionality of that element. It is generally used for navigation when the UI of any website or software is complex....
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How to validate form using Regular Expression in JavaScript ?
JavaScript is a scripting programming language that also helps in validating the user’s information. Have you ever heard about validating forms? Here comes into the picture JavaScript, the Scripting language that is used for validations and verification. To get deeper into this topic let us understand with examples....
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CSS scrollbar-width Property
The scrollbar-width property is used to set the width or thickness of an element’s scrollbar when shown. This property can be used on pages where the user interface requires the element to be displayed more prominently and shrinking the scrollbar width gives more space to the element.This a currently an experimental property and some of the major browsers may not be supported....
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How to italicize text in CSS ?
In this article, we will see how to make a text italic using CSS. To italicize text in any webpage the CSS font-style property is used. We have a variety of options to set it to italic text....
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CSS Display property
The display property in CSS plays a important role in shaping the layout of web pages. You can create flexible and responsive designs by understanding their behaviour and using them effectively. It specifies an element’s display behaviour (the type of rendering box). It defines how an element is rendered in the layout, determining its positioning and interaction within the document’s flow and structure....
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How to set vertical space between the list of items using CSS ?
List of items in HTML can be of multiple type like ordered list, unordered list or could be description list. By default, there is a fixed vertical space between the list of items. We can increase or decrease the vertical spacing of the list of items by using different CSS properties. In this article, we will cover all the possible ways to set the vertical space between the list of items....
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How to Create Image Gallery using JavaScript?
An image gallery can enhance your website’s visual attraction and user experience. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the essential steps to create a dynamic image gallery that seamlessly adapts to various devices. From structuring your HTML to adding interactive features with JavaScript. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this will help you build a small website project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by referring to this article....
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CSS Properties Complete Reference
CSS Properties Complete Reference serves as a comprehensive guide to CSS properties, covering their usage, syntax, and browser support. Organized alphabetically, it provides detailed explanations and examples, making it an essential resource for mastering cascading style sheets in web development....
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