Difference between Virtual DOM and Real DOM
DOM stands for Document Object Model it is the structural representation of the HTML Document. Real DOM is the actual structure represented in the User Interface while Virtual DOM is the memory representation of the same. It is a tree-like Structure consisting of all nodes in an HTML document DOM represents the Ul of your applications....
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Explain the purpose of render() in ReactJS
Render in React JS is a fundamental part of class components. It is used to display the component on the UI returned as HTML or JSX components. The ReactDOM.render() function takes two arguments, HTML code and an HTML element....
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ReactJS shouldComponentUpdate() Method
The shouldComponentUpdate method allows us to exit the complex react update life cycle to avoid calling it again and again on every re-render. It only updates the component if the props passed to it changes....
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ReactJS | Calculator App ( Introduction )
We have seen so far what React is and what it is capable of. To summarise in brief we got to know what React web apps are, React Components, Props, States, and the lifecycle of a React component. We also created a basic clock application using all of the following. But React is a javascript library to build flexible User Interfaces, and we have not created any so far. So it is time for us to step into the real world of React by creating a simple yet impactful project....
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How to fetch data from APIs using Asynchronous await in ReactJS ?
Fetching data from an API in ReactJS is a common and crucial task in modern web development. Fetching data from API helps in getting real-time updates dynamically and efficiently. API provides on-demand data as required rather than loading all data....
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Create a Quiz App using ReactJS
In this article, we will create a quiz application to learn the basics of ReactJS. We will be using class components to create the application with custom and bootstrap styling. The application will start with questions at first and then score will be displayed at last. Initially there are only 5 questions but you can keep adding more questions to make the quiz interesting....
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Getting Started With ReactJS: A Complete Guide For Beginners
Every front-end developer and web developer knows how frustrating and painful it is to write the same code at multiple places. If they need to add a button on multiple pages they are forced to do a lot of code. Developers using other frameworks face the challenges to rework most codes even when crafting components that changed frequently. Developers wanted a framework or library which allow them to break down complex components and reuse the codes to complete their projects faster. Here React comes in and solved this problem....
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How to create a website in React JS ?
React JS is an open-source, component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook. React uses a declarative paradigm that makes it easier to reason about your application and aims to be both efficient and flexible. It designs simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right component when your data changes. The declarative view makes your code more predictable and easier to debug. A React application is made of multiple components, each responsible for rendering a small, reusable piece of HTML....
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How to get multiple checkbox values in React.js ?
In React.js, obtaining values from multiple checkboxes involves using the native HTML checkbox input elements alongside variables or state management to store the selected values. The integration of multiple checkboxes empowers users to make personalized selections, thereby enhancing the interactivity and customization options within React applications....
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ReactJS useContext Hook
Context provides a way to pass data or state through the component tree without having to pass props down manually through each nested component. It is designed to share data that can be considered as global data for a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user or theme(e.g. color, paddings, margins, font-sizes)....
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How to clear complete cache data in ReactJS ?
Caching is a technique that helps us to store a copy of a given resource in our browser and serve it back when requested. There is no direct option to clear the cache as it is a client-side feature managed by the browser. To clear the complete cache in React JS we can use JavaScipt’s cache storage API provided by the browser....
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How to create an unique id in ReactJS ?
Generating a unique ID in React js is helpful in component identifiers in React applications. It can be used to separate and identify database records and as a key in many applications. We can create unique IDs in React JS with the simple methods stated below....
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