Axios in React: A Guide for Beginners
In React, backend communication is typically achieved using the HTTP protocol. While many developers are familiar with the XML HTTP request interface and Fetch API for making HTTP requests, there’s another powerful library called Axios that simplifies the process further....
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ReactJS Virtual DOM
React JS Virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the DOM. DOM refers to the Document Object Model that represents the content of XML or HTML documents as a tree structure so that the programs can be read, accessed and changed in the document structure, style, and content....
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ReactJS useNavigate() Hook
The useNavigate() hook is introduced in the React Router v6 to replace the useHistory() hook. In the earlier version, the useHistory() hook accesses the React Router history object and navigates to the other routers using the push or replace methods. It helps to go to the specific URL, forward or backward pages. In the updated version, the React Router’s new navigation API provides a useNavigate() hook which is an imperative version to perform the navigation actions with better compatibility...
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React Lifecycle
React lifecycle starts from its initialization and ends when it is unmounted from the DOM. There are several methods defined for different phases of the lifecycle of React Components....
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How to create a multi-page website using React.js ?
Creating a multi-page website using React JS involves the creation of pages and components to be rendered on the defined paths using routing....
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How to create a table in ReactJS ?
When displaying data in an organized style, Table in React JS is a popular component. Using HTML tables and JavaScript, you can quickly construct dynamic and interactive tables in ReactJS....
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How to set default value in select using ReactJS ?
Dropdown and select elements are frequently used in forms where you want to set a default value in select using React Js. In HTML, the ‘selected’ attribute in the option tag is used to set the default value in the select menu. The same approach can also be used with React to set a default value if we are not using React Select Component. However, if you are using react-select then you need to follow a different approach as covered below....
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React JSX
React JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript for writing React Code in a simple way. Using JSX it is easier to create reusable UI components with fewer lines of code in a template-type language with the power of JavaScript....
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How to set background images in ReactJS
Background images can improve the UI and user experience of web apps by making the appearance better. These images can be some shape or shade using color gradients....
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ReactJS defaultProps
The defaultProps is a React component property that allows you to set default values for the props argument. If the prop property is passed, it will be changed. The defaultProps can be defined as a property on the component class itself, to set the default props for the class....
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Top 10 Extensions for ReactJS in VSCode
To make your development quicker and life easier, install a number of the Visual Studio Extensions that square measure outlined below and create your development a lot of and a lot of power tools than the alternative....
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React Components
Components in React serve as independent and reusable code blocks for UI elements. They represent different parts of a web page and contain both structure and behavior. They are similar to JavaScript functions and make creating and managing complex user interfaces easier by breaking them down into smaller, reusable pieces....
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