How to download PDF file in ReactJS ?
To download pdf in React JS there are methods given in JavaScript and HTML DOM. They provide a convenient way to download files and store them in local computers. Here we will use locally stored pdf files in the project folder to use as a sample pdf downloaded by the browser....
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How to solve too many re-renders error in ReactJS?
“Too many re-renderers” is a React error that happens after you have reached an infinite render loop, typically caused by code that in a useEffect hook or the main body of the component itself unconditionally calls state setters....
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React Class Components
Class Components are the reusable code blocks or classes that extends the React.Component. React class components are the backbone of most modern web applications built using React JS. In this article, we’ll learn what class components are, their advantages, how to manage the state and events of the application and how to use them effectively....
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ReactJS useEffect Hook
React useEffect hook handles the effects of the dependency array. The useEffect Hook allows us to perform side effects on the components. fetching data, directly updating the DOM and timers are some side effects. It is called every time any state if the dependency array is modified or updated....
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How to connect MongoDB with ReactJS ?
Connecting MongoDB with React is an important task for making full-stack applications and web apps with databases. A well-liked NoSQL database called MongoDB offers a scalable and adaptable way to store and retrieve data. You might need to establish a connection to a MongoDB database while using ReactJS to create a web application in order to get and modify data....
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How to render an array of objects in ReactJS ?
To render an array of Objects in ReactJS we will iterate the array and display objects data on the Web Application UI. It is useful in providing dynamic and interactive content on the webpages....
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What is useState() in React ?
The useState() is a Hook that allows you to have state variables in functional components . so basically useState is the ability to encapsulate local state in a functional component. React has two types of components, one is class components which are ES6 classes that extend from React and the other is functional components. Class components a Component and can have state and lifecycle methods: class Message extends React. The  useState hook is a special function that takes the initial state as an argument and returns an array of two entries.  UseState encapsulate only singular value from the state, for multiple state need to have useState calls....
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React JS useMemo Hook
The useMemo is a hook used in the functional component of react that returns a memoized value. Memoization is a concept used in general when we don’t need to recompute the function with a given argument for the next time as it returns the cached result. A memoized function remembers the results of output for a given set of inputs. In React also, we use this concept, whenever in the React component, the state and props do not change the component and the component does not re-render, it shows the same output. The useMemo hook is used to improve performance in our React application....
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How to include an external JavaScript library to ReactJS ?
JavaScript library is pre-written collection of code snippets, objects, and functions so that we can reuse the functions, objects, and code snippets to perform a common task. It is generally use as the scripts in the <script> tags. We can use different methods to include external JavaScript libraries in ReactJS....
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React-Router Hooks
React-Router is a popular React library that is heavily used for client-side routing and offers single-page routing. It provides various Component APIs( like Route, Link, Switch, etc.) that you can use in your React application to render different components based on the URL pathnames on a single page....
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ReactJS Refs
ReactJS Refs are used to access and modify the DOM elements in the React Application. It creates a reference to the elements and uses it to modify them....
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Difference between Node.js and React.js
Node.js and React.js are two powerful technologies widely used in the development of modern web applications. While both are based on JavaScript, they serve entirely different purposes and are used at different stages of the web development process. This article provides a detailed comparison between Node.js and React.js, highlighting their differences in various aspects such as usage, architecture, performance, and use cases....
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