JavaScript Program to Validate Password using Regular Expressions
In this article, we will see the JavaScriopt program to check and validate a strong or weak password with a custom-defined range. To accomplish this task we will use JavaScript Regular Expression....
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JavaScript RegExp g Modifier
The RegExp g Modifier in JavaScript is used to find all the occurrences of the pattern instead of stopping after the first match i.e it performs a global match....
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JavaScript RegExp \r Metacharacter
The RegExp \r Metacharacter in JavaScript is used to find the carriage return character (Carriage return means to return to the beginning of the current line without advancing downward). If it is found it returns the position else it returns -1....
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JavaScript RegExp \B Metacharacter
The RegExp \B Metacharacter in JavaScript is used to find a match that is not present at the beginning or end of a word. If a match is found it returns the word else it returns NULL....
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How to check validation of IP Address in jQuery ?
In this article, we will find how to validate the IP Address using jQuery....
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JavaScript RegExp [abc] Expression
The RegExp [abc] Expression in JavaScript is used to search any character between the brackets. The character inside the brackets can be a single character or a span of characters....
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JavaScript RegExp i Modifier
The RegExp i Modifier in JavaScript is used to perform case-insensitive matching in the string....
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JavaScript RegExp m Modifier
The RegExp m Modifier in JavaScript is used to perform multiline matching. It takes the beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working when taking over multiple lines. It matches the beginning or end of each line. It is case-sensitive....
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How to match multiple parts of a string using RegExp in JavaScript ?
In this article, we will try to understand how we could match multiple parts of a string using Regular Expression (RegExp) in JavaScript with the help of both theoretical explanations as well as coding examples too....
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JavaScript RegExp compile() Method
The compile() Method in JavaScript is used to compile the regular expression while executing of script i.e compile the regular expression. It is also used to recompile and change the regular expression....
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JavaScript RegExp \t Metacharacter
The RegExp \t Metacharacter in JavaScript is used to find the tab character. If it is found it returns the position else it returns -1....
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Find Word Character in a String with JavaScript RegExp
Regular expressions or RegExp can be used in JavaScript to search for patterns in texts. Searching for a certain character in a string, such as locating all occurrences of a word character, is a typical activity. In this article, we’ll look at how to utilize RegExp in JavaScript to find word characters in a string....
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