help_text – Django Built-in Field Validation
Built-in Field Validations in Django models are the validations that come predefined to all Django fields. Every field comes in with built-in validations from Django validators. One can also add more built-in field validations for applying or removing certain constraints on a particular field. help_text attribute is used to display the “help” text along with the field in form in admin interface or ModelForm. It’s useful for documentation even if your field isn’t used on a form. For example, you can define the pattern of date to be taken as input in the help_text of DateField....
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Python | Django Admin Interface
In this article, we delve into the capabilities and advantages of the Django Admin Interface, exploring how its customizable features and streamlined workflows empower developers to effortlessly administer their projects, from data management to user interactions....
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How to Fix The Module Not Found Error?
In this article, we are going to cover topics related to ‘ Module Not Found Error’ and what the error means. the reason for the occurrence of this error and how can we handle this error....
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How to Add Cart in a Web Page using Django?
Adding a shopping cart to a web page using Django is a crucial step when building an e-commerce website or any other application that involves online transactions. A shopping cart allows users to collect and manage items they want to purchase before proceeding to checkout. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a basic shopping cart using Django, including all the necessary files and HTML templates....
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Integrating Bokeh Visualizations in Django Application
Bokeh is an interactive visualization library that helps us to create a visual representation of data set and interact with it. You can create various types of visualizations such as bar charts, horizontal plots,time-series, etc. There are various methods to include Bokeh apps and widgets into web apps and pages....
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Create Word Counter app using Django
In this article, we are going to make a simple tool that counts a number of words in text using Django. Before diving into this topic you need to have some basic knowledge of Django....
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Running Extra scripts in Django
Running extra scripts or processes is always needed when you have some new idea that works with web development and in Python!!! it is always....
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Email + Social Logins in Django – Step by Step Guide
This article revolves around a Django Project. It includes Email + Social Login integration in any Django project. We have used React as front end to demonstrate the working of the project. You can use your own front end to int...
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How to create Custom Template Tags in Django ?
Django offers a variety of built-in template tags such as {% if %} or {% block %}. However, Django also allows you to create your own template tags to perform custom actions. The power of custom template tags is that you can process any data and add it to any template regardless of the view executed. You can perform QuerySets or process any data to display results in your templates....
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Adding CSP headers in Django Project
Website security has been an important factor while developing websites and web applications. Many frameworks come with their own security policies and developers also try to implement the utmost security policies while developing their applications. Still even after this much hard work hackers will find new ways to penetrate into our app, exploit our code to vulnerabilities. In this article, we are going to implement a security header often referred to as CSP headers to a Django application....
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Top 10 Reasons to Choose Django Framework For Your Project
When it comes to choosing a new language or framework for a project what matters to most of the developers?...
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now – Django Template Tags
A Django template is a text document or a Python string marked-up using the Django template language. Django being a powerful Batteries included framework provides convenience to rendering data in a template. Django templates not only allow passing data from view to template, but also provides some limited features of programming such as variables, for loops, comments, extends, now, etc. This article revolves about how to use now tag in Templates. now tag displays the current date and/or time, using a format according to the given string. Such string can contain format specifiers characters as described in the date filter section....
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