Core arguments in serializer fields – Django REST Framework
Serializer fields in Django are same as Django Form fields and Django model fields and thus require certain arguments to manipulate the behaviour of those Fields. In Django REST Framework the very concept of Serializing is to convert DB data to a datatype that can be used by javascript. This article revolves around various arguments that serializer fields can use for efficiently manipulating data in and out of serializer....
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How to add AMP to Django Project?
A blog mostly needs content but that doesn’t mean, your blog will be on top of Google search. For this you will need Speed, Security, user base and first of all search engines need to know that your blog exists. We will add AMP for speed.  This article is in continuation of Blog CMS Project in Django. Check this out here – Building Blog CMS (Content Management System) with Django...
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ContentTypes Framework in Django
Django content types framework enables flexible relationships between models through generic foreign keys, increasing database scalability. This article will show how to implement a content types framework in Django....
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Django – Creating Apps | Set – 1
Prerequisites: Django – Dealing with warnings...
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get_object_or_404 method in Django Models
Some functions are hard as well as boring to code each and every time. But Django users don’t have to worry about that because Django has some awesome built-in functions to make our work easy and enjoyable. Let’s discuss get_object_or_404() here....
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JSONField in serializers – Django REST Framework
In Django REST Framework the very concept of Serializing is to convert DB data to a datatype that can be used by javascript. Every serializer comes with some fields (entries) which are going to be processed. For example if you have a class with name Employee and its fields as Employee_id, Employee_name, is_admin, etc. Then, you would need AutoField, CharField and BooleanField for storing and manipulating data through Django. Similarly, serializer also works with same principle and has fields that are used to create a serializer. This article revolves around JSONField in Serializers in Django REST Framework....
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Django Models | Set – 1
Prerequisites : Django Creating apps...
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Django URLResolver error
There are many errors that come when we create a project in Django. In this article, we will learn how to resolve such error “URLResolver error”....
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HoneyPot for Getting Logging Activities in Django
In the world of web applications, security is a top priority. One ingenious method for enhancing security is by using a technique known as a “HoneyPot” within Django. While you might envision a HoneyPot as a beehive, in web security, it’s quite different. A HoneyPot is a clever deception designed to catch unwanted or malicious bots and spammers in the act. In a Django application, a HoneyPot acts like an invisible trap that lures in these malicious actors while allowing legitimate users to pass through unnoticed....
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Django model data types and fields list
The most important part of a model and the only required part of a model is the list of database fields it defines. Fields are specified by class attributes. Be careful not to choose field names that conflict with the models API like clean, save, or delete....
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Must Have Python Django Development Skills
We all know the popularity of the Python programming language. In most tech companies, this language is used to develop the backend part of the application. Also, this language is widely used in data science, automation, and other areas. Django which is the most popular framework of Python is now being used in a lot of applications and this is the reason most developers and students prefer to choose this language....
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Adding Permission in API – Django REST Framework
There are many different scenarios to consider when it comes to access control. Allowing unauthorized access to risky operations or restricted areas results in a massive vulnerability. This highlights the importance of adding permissions in APIs....
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