Project Idea | Fuel Balance
The idea is to make an app that will help in correcting the demand-supply gap in the recycling of Used Cooking Oil (UCO). The unmonitored release of the UCO has become a matter of concern to environmental safety and is an opportunity lost by the small vendors who can use it to earn income by supplying it to the big companies for recycling. We are aiming to create a platform that can deal with both the problems in the most elegant way and also make way for employment and revenue generation. For small vendors/shops, the idea of earning money over waste products is uncommon. This is due to the lack of information flow and the inability to meet up the required demand. Through this app, we will generate extra income for sellers(vendors) and meet the large quantities of demand by the buyers(companies) for re-cycle....
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Build a Calculator with React, Tailwind, and Django
This article will guide you in creating a calculator using React and Tailwind with the Django Framework. We’ll explore the integration of Django, React, and Tailwind, and go through the step-by-step process of implementing the calculator....
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Build a To-Do application Using Django, React and Tailwind
This article will guide you in creating a To-Do application using React and Tailwind with the Django Framework. We’ll explore the integration of Django, React, and Tailwind, and go through the step-by-step process of implementing the To-Do application....
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How to Create a basic API using Django Rest Framework ?
Django REST Framework is a wrapper over the default Django Framework, basically used to create APIs of various kinds. There are three stages before creating an API through the REST framework, Converting a Model’s data to JSON/XML format (Serialization), Rendering this data to the view, and Creating a URL for mapping to the views.This article revolves around how to create a basic API using the Django REST Framework. It assumes you are familiar with Django basics – Django tutorial—also, installation of Django REST Framework. Assuming you have created a project named geeksforgeeks with Django, let’s initiate Django REST Framework....
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How to add Site Header, Site Title, Index Title in a Django Project?
Automatic admin interface one of the most powerful parts of Django. Metadata is read from your models to provide a quick, model-centric interface where trusted users can manage content on your site. The admin’s recommended use is limited to an organization’s internal management tool. It’s not intended for building your entire front end around....
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How to Deploy Django project on PythonAnywhere?
Django has become one of the popular frameworks over the past few years. Often, after creating your Django project, you are confused, about how to share it with people around you. This article revolves around how you can host your Django application on Pythonanywhere for free....
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Sending Data from a Flask app to MongoDB Database
This article covers how we can configure a MongoDB database with a Flask app and store some data in the database after configuring it. Before directly moving to the configuration phase here is a short overview of all tools and software we will use....
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How to Create a Basic Project using MVT in Django ?
Prerequisite – Django Project MVT Structure...
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Python Django – Test Driven Development of Web API using DRF & Docker
We are going to create a to-do list web API using Django rest framework, docker and also going to write different tests for different functionalities in our code using test-driven development, but let’s first see what are prerequisites for this project....
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Django Redirects
In Django one of the features is the redirect, which allows developers to manage URL redirections within their web applications effortlessly. In this article, we will explore how to use the redirect in Django, covering essential files like views, URLs, and HTML templates....
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How to Deploy a Django Application to Heroku with Git CLI?
Django is a popular web Framework of Python. It is based on MVT(Model-View-Template). MVT is a software design pattern for developing a web application. For more details about Django visit the Django tutorial....
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How to fix ‘django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist’
In this article we will explore how we can fix / solve the django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist’ error This exception raised by Django indicates that the field we are trying to access or modify is not exist. There may be some typo mistakes, field may not be there. So in this article we are looking for the solutions to fix this error....
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