Program to find absolute value of a given number
Given an integer N, The task is to find the absolute value of the given integer....
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JavaScript Calculator
JavaScript Calculator performs mathematical operations like – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, etc....
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Changing CSS styling with React onClick() Event
Changing CSS styling with React onClick() Event simply means changing the CSS property or CSS classes when the click event triggers. It can be done by switching the states to update the classes when a button is clicked...
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How to convert a JavaScript date to UTC?
Javascript date can be converted to UTC by using functions present in the Javascript Date object. The toUTCString() method is used to convert a Date object into a string, according to universal time. The toGMTString() returns a string that represents the Date based on the GMT (UT) time zone....
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Web-Socket in Node
WebSocket is a communication protocol enabling full-duplex communication, allowing simultaneous two-way communication between a user’s browser and the server. It establishes a continuous connection, enabling messages to be sent between the web server and browser at any time. Unlike traditional request/response formats, WebSocket facilitates server-initiated communication with the client. To implement WebSocket in NodeJS, the “” dependency needs installation. Additionally, installing the “express” module is essential for server-side applications....
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JavaScript Date UTC() Method
In JavaScript, the Date.UTC() method is used to create a date object representing a specified date and time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). It accepts the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond components of the date and returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC....
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Node response.writeHead() Method
The `response.writeHead()` property, introduced in Node.js v1.0, is part of the ‘http‘ module. It is used to send a response header to the incoming request. The status code represents a 3-digit HTTP status code (e.g., 404), and the headers parameter contains the response headers. Optionally, a human-readable statusMessage can be provided as the second argument....
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HTML Class Attribute
The HTML class attribute is used to assign one or more CSS classes to an HTML element. Classes define styling rules, allowing elements with the same class to share visual properties defined in CSS....
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Express res.status() Function
The res.status() function sets the HTTP status for the response. It is a chainable alias of Node’s response.statusCode....
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How to install XAMPP on Windows ?
XAMPP is the most popular software package which is used to set up a PHP development environment for web services by providing all the required software components. During the process of software deployment, most of the web servers use almost similar components, so use of XAMPP provides easy transition from local server to live server. XAMPP is a AMP stack which stands for Cross platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, perl with some additional administrative software tools such as PHPMyAdmin (for database access), FileZilla FTP server, Mercury mail server and JSP Tomcat server. Other commonly known software packages like XAMPP are WAMP, LAMP, and others.The XAMPP server is used to test PHP pages. It works as local server. It contains a MySQL database to manage or save data on a local server.Advantages of XAMPP:...
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HTML <tr> bgcolor Attribute
The HTML <tr> bgcolor Attribute is used to specify the background color of a table row. This attribute accepts color values such as color names, hex codes, or RGB values, allowing for easy customization of the background color for individual rows in an HTML table....
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How to convert a float number to the whole number in JavaScript ?
In this article, we will convert a float number to a whole number in JavaScript....
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