HTML Calculator
HTML calculator is used for performing basic mathematical operations like Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division....
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HTML <img> align Attribute
HTML <img> align attribute is used to set the alignment of an image. It is an inline element. It is used to specify the alignment of the image according to surrounding elements....
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Design a web page using HTML and CSS
Create a webpage with HTML and CSS. Use HTML to structure content, incorporating elements like headings, paragraphs, and images. Apply CSS for styling, including colors, fonts, margins, and positioning. Ensure responsiveness for various devices using media queries and flexible layouts....
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HTML font color Attribute
HTML font color attribute specifies the text color of content inside the <font> tag. The font color attribute accepts a color value that we want to apply to a text and it will be displayed on the screen having that mentioned color....
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HTML <div> align Attribute
The HTML div align Attribute is used to specify the alignment of the <div> element or the content present inside the div Element. The align attribute in the <div> element specifies the horizontal alignment of its content....
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JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers
JavaScript (JS) is the most popular lightweight scripting and compiled programming language. It was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. It is well-known as a scripting language for web pages, mobile apps, web servers, and many more. It is an important language for aspiring front-end and back-end developers. some job roles demand individuals to be fluent in JavaScript. It is used by top IT companies such as Evernote, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Opera, NASA, and Meta because of its DOM manipulation, asynchronous JavaScript, error handling, and JavaScript frameworks in which it may be used. So, to get into these companies, you need to complete these Top JavaScript interview questions which can make you seem like an expert in front of recruiters....
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PHP | Converting string to Date and DateTime
Converting the string to Date and DateTime uses several functions/methods like strtotime(), getDate(). We will see what these functions do. strtotime() – This is basically a function which returns the number of seconds passed since Jan 1, 1970, just like a linux machine timestamp. It returns the number of seconds passed according to the parameter passed to the function. Syntax...
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Design a Tribute Page using HTML and CSS
A tribute page is an overview of someone whom we admire in our life. In this article, we are creating a tribute webpage of the Late A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Sir using HTML and CSS. The page features a clean and visually appealing design, incorporating a header with a centered title, a main section with content including text and images, and a footer for additional information or credits....
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Installation of Node JS on Windows
Node.js can be installed in multiple ways on a computer. The approach used by you depends on the existing Node.js development environment in the system. There are different package installers for different environments. You can install Node.js by grabbing a copy of the source code and compiling the application. Another way of installing Node.js is by cloning the Node.js GIT repository in all three environments and then installing it on the system....
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Build a Survey Form using HTML and CSS
Forms are an essential part of any project used to collect user input. In this article, we will create a survey form using HTML and CSS. The form will include various questions for users to answer. We will use HTML to design the basic layout of the form, and CSS to enhance the design with elements such as text decoration, text color, background color, text alignment, margin, padding, and more....
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HTML align Attribute
HTML align Attribute in HTML is used to specify the alignment of the text content of The Element. This attribute is used in all elements. The Align attribute can also be set using the CSS property “text-align: ” or in <img> “vertical-align: “. For horizontal alignment, use align with values like “left,” “center,” or “right” within appropriate tags....
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JavaScript Spread Operator
The Spread operator is a key feature in JavaScript that enables an iterable to expand wherever zero or more arguments are required. Its primary use case is with arrays, especially when expecting multiple values. This operator provides the convenience of easily extracting a list of parameters from an array, making our code more versatile and readable....
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