How to specify minimum &maximum number of characters allowed in an input field in HTML ?
In this article, we will learn how to specify the minimum and maximum of characters allowed in an input field in HTML. Given an input field the task is to set the minimum/maximum number of characters allowed in an input field in HTML....
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How to toggle password visibility in forms using Bootstrap-icons ?
Toggle password visibility in forms allows users to reveal or hide their typed passwords for convenience and security. Using Bootstrap icons, you can implement this feature by toggling the input field’s type attribute between “password” and “text” upon icon click, revealing or hiding the password....
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How to add a date picker in form using HTML ?
To add a date picker in a form using HTML, you can use the <input> element with the type attribute set to “date”. A date picker is an interactive dropdown that makes it easy to choose the date from a calendar instead of typing it manually. In this article, we will learn how to add a date picker in form using HTML5....
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ReactJS Form Validation using Formik and Yup
ReactJS Form Validation using Formik and Yup packages is one good approach for form validation. we can validate forms using controlled components. But it may be time-consuming and the length of the code may increase if we need forms at many places on our website. Formik is designed to manage forms with complex validation with ease. Formik supports synchronous and asynchronous form-level and field-level validation....
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How to create three boxes in the same div using HTML and CSS ?
We can place three or more different divs side by side in the same div using CSS. You can achieve this using Flexbox, but you need to use wrapper divs and apply different flex directions to each of them to make the grid layout work. You can set the height and width of the div by using CSS properties....
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How to create a Portfolio Gallery using HTML and CSS ?
The portfolio gallery is useful when your website contains different types of content or so much content. With the help of a portfolio gallery, you can easily display all the content on your front page to the user....
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PHP Operators
In this article, we will see how to use the operators in PHP, & various available operators along with understanding their implementation through the examples....
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How to perform form validation for a required field in HTML ?
The form data is very important for a website and the correct form data or valid form data must be submitted to the form. To make sure that the form data is valid or to make an input field mandatory, various attributes can be used. We shall discuss the following attributes in this article & will understand them with the help of examples....
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HTML Login Form
HTML Login Form is a foundational element in web development. It is used to authenticate users and grant access to secure sections of a website or application. It typically includes input fields for username/email and password, along with a submit button for logging in. Additionally, there is often an option for new users to create an account or sign up....
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How to write comments in ReactJS ?
To write comments in React JS we use the javascript comments and JSX object. It helps in adding useful information about the code and comment-out and ignore the extra code in the program....
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How to create a progress bar using HTML and CSS?
The progress bar is an important element in the web, the progress bar can be used for downloading, marks obtained, skill measuring unit, etc. To create a progress bar we can use HTML and CSS. To make that progress bar responsive you will need JavaScript.In this article, we will learn to create progress bars using HTML and CSS....
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HTML <tr> align Attribute
The HTML <tr> align Attribute is used to set the horizontal alignment of text content inside the table row. The HTML <tr> element itself doesn’t have an align attribute. For aligning content within a table row, use the CSS text-align property on the individual <td> or <th> elements inside the row....
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