Quinbay Interview Experience for Internahip (On-Campus) Bangalore

They were total of 3 rounds:

  • Online test
  • Technical interview
  • Technical interview+ hr

Online test: they were mostly basic java, oops, computer science basic related questions out of 750 students 77 members were shortlisted for the second round.

Technical interview: interviewer was a chill person who started with my introduction and projects. After that started asking me about oops concepts, features, static variables, try and catch block, and basic questions related to exception handling and mostly fundamentals but very intensely.

After some time he asked me about the DSA topics you know. then he asked about preorder traversal, left view, binary search time complexity, merge sort, increasing longest sequence, and one puzzle out of 77, 36 were shortlisted for the next round. the interview lasted around 1 hr 10 min.

Tech+ HR:  He asked about some basic SQL queries and SQL-related queries. from there he asked to live code complex oops-related questions. but the interviewer gave me some hints about this I was able to solve the given problem. the interview lasted for like 1 hr 10.

Out of 37,22 was shortlisted for the intern position. 

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