Samsung Bangalore(SRIB) On-campus Interview Experience

Eligible branches – CSE, ECE, EI, EE B.Tech with 7+ CGPA. There were 4 rounds:

Round 1: 3hrs Online Coding Round
Round 2: Technical Round 1st
Round 3: Technical Round 2nd
Round 4: HR Round

Round 1: It was a 3-hour long online contest and there was only one problem with 50 test cases. In order to qualify this round, your code needs to pass all the test cases. Maximum 10 submissions were allowed, you can compile any number of times.
Test ll be conducted on Samsung’s own platform. You are advised to install Visual Studio/Eclipse before so that debugging will be easy during the test. STLs were not allowed in the test so you need to write your logic from scratch.

Question: Physical Energy Problem

There was given total physical energy H and total distance D. Five pace information speed and corresponding physical energy was given. Find the minimum time that is required in order to complete total distance D making sure that some of the physical energy does not exceed H.

 Nearly 100 students had applied and 13 students were selected for the next round. 

TIPS: Brush up Graph and Backtracking Algorithms.

Round 2: Technical Interview-1
This round was nearly 3.5hrs long containing two breaks of half an hour each. (So, interview time is nearly 2.5 hrs)
As I am from ECE the interviewer scanned my CV thoroughly to know whether I am really interested in Software Engineering or not. He started with the question of what you are planning to do after 4 years of your Btech.
Then he discussed one of my projects. As it contains IoT again he doubted on my future interest.

  1.  Then he asked me about Header file, library. How to create one and make a business of it. A little discussion over API also.
  2. Discussion on compilation process.
  3. What does .O file contains? He asked me how much the maximum number of line of a program I have written earlier. By giving a case he asked whether creating a single class will be better in that case or multiple class and
    how many numbers of .O file will be created in each case?
  4. When does a .exe file is created? The dependency of Size of .exe file. He gave 2 situations and asked whether the size of .exe fill be the same in each case or not.
  5. Discussion on Dynamic memory allocations.
  6. Discussion on Vector and its working. Size of an empty vector.
  7. Long discussion on Call Stack, Segmentation Fault, Stack Overflow and Memory Overflow.
    What is the maximum permissible integer array Size?
  8. Discussion on Virtual Function, pure virtual function, and an abstract class.
  9. He asked about oops features. He asked details of encapsulation and abstraction.
    How can you modify a class variable?
  10. He asked me about my favorite subject.
    I answered DS/Algo and Operating System. But he wanted to check if I am aware of my branch subjects or not to which I replied Digital Communication and Engineering Mathematics. (I was trying to avoid discussion on my branch subject as I have almost forgotten everything)
  11. He asked me about Fourier Series, Laplace Transformation, Sampling.
  12. He again asked me about Time Division Multiplexing. I took some time, recalled one of the questions from my last End semester exam and explained using that example.
  13. Discussion on my internship.
  14. Some Networking questions, Different Error-correcting algorithms.
    You need to connect four metropolitan cities(it may be telephone connections). Design avoiding a single point of failure.
  15. How can you retrieve previously created objects of a class?
    Memory allocations of an object in Stack and Heap.
  16. Discussion on multithreading and its system dependency.

I was asked some more questions. Mainly on the practical approach. I haven’t heard of those words previously so unable to recall now also. It was difficult to convince the interviewer in this round.

4 Students were qualified for the next round.

TIPS: Keep calm throughout the interview. Explain some of the practical concepts by giving examples if you experienced that situation earlier. You are expected to have sound knowledge of Oops, OS, Networking, C, and C++.

Round 3: Technical Interview-2
This round was very short compared to the first interview round. (Nearly 20-25 mins)
A senior engineer was taking this round. And before starting the interview he has informed me that this round will be very short and he asked questions on Basic Computer Science fundamentals.

  1. What is Deadlock, conditions and how to handle deadlock?
  2. Difference between Semaphore and Mutex.
  3. The need for Inter-Process Communication and different synchronization mechanism.
  4. He asked if I have studied Embedded system in my course.
    Then the advantages of multiprocessing and multithreading.
  5. Printing odd and even number using threads in C++
  6. He asked me for a basic programming implementation.
    There is a group of people. Each person in that group has a preferable sport.
    Write a program to tell which sport is maximum popular and which sport is minimum popular.
    Space and Time Complexity discussion of mine approach.
    He also asked me about latency.

Finally, he asked me if I had any questions.
I asked about the work of his team and his role. He explained to me.
Then a discussion on SRIB’s current and future work.
He also briefed me about 5G, IoT, and Network Intelligence.
The interview ended with a final word of “Keep doing the hard work, See you soon.” from his side.

Round 4: HR Round
2 out of 4 students received a call from HR.

I remember it was 3mins 59secs long in mine case.
He asked me about the internship experience.
He asked me to rate my coding skills out of 10.
He discussed me about the job profile and location.

Finally, both of us were selected.

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