Samsung R&D Bangalore (SRIB) Interview Experience | On- Campus for Internship 2021

Samsung R&D Bangalore (SRIB) visited our campus NIT Jalandhar for virtual on-boarding for Internship Opportunities. There were 3 rounds in total.

1) Online Coding Skill Assessment Round

2) Online Technical Interview 1

3) Online Technical Interview 2

Round 1: Online Coding Skill Assessment Round

The coding round was hosted on in which we had to code 3 problem having 2 sample test cases with the further test cases to be tested in the background (not visible to us) within 70 minutes. There were one 3 marks question and two 5 marks question.  The questions in my set were:

1) The function accepts a 2-D array of m rows and n columns such that the function returns the 2-D array after sorting each row of array in ascending order.

2) The function accepts a pointer to the root of a BST along with the two integer values ‘minValue’ and ‘maxValue’. The function was to trim the BST such that all the data in the trimmed BST are between minValue and maxValue(both inclusive).

3) Convert a binary tree so that every node contains the sum of the left and right sub trees in the original tree, (popularly known as Sum Tree problem).

Only 14 out of around 200 students were shortlisted for the next round.


1) Cocubes didn’t allow many STLfunctions.

2) We don’t know the exact shortlisting criteria but I would suggest to submit your test as soon as you get all your testcases passed, not to perform unusual submissions and not to keep any gadgets around you while taking the test. The questions asked were not so difficult, anyone with a moderate coding background can solve them easily.

2)  I am not sure about how many times we were allowed to compile our code, but try to completely compile and submit your code with a  maximum of 5 test on the given test cases.

ROUND 2: Online Technical Interview 1

This round was on Skype and lasted for almost 40 minutes.

Questions asked by interviewer were:

Q-1 How was your day till now?

Q-2 Basic Maths Questions to calm me down –

a) Roll an unbiased dice, find the probability of getting a prime number or odd number.

b) Two cars approaching each other in opposite direction with the speed of 10km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively. They collide after 3 hrs. What was the initial distance between them?

Q-3 What is Encapsulation?

Q-4 How can we achieve encapsulation?

Q-5 What is polymorphism?

Q-6 Applications of Polymorphism.

Q-7 What is Data abstraction?

Q-8 Difference between data abstraction and encapsulation.

Q-9 What is RDBMS and DBMS

Q-10 What is SQL and NoSQL?

Q-11 What is normalization and its applications.

Q-12 Forms of normalization.

Q-13 What is denormalization?

Q-14 Benefits of denormalization.


Given a function with an integer N passed as parameter. Count the no. of triplets from 1 to N such that all of them are unique and in AP.

Firstly, brute force was discussed. Then I was asked to optimize the code and type the code completely on their notepad.

Q-16 What is count sorting?

Q-17 Time complexity of count sort.

Q-18 What is merge sort?

Q-19 Time complexity of merge sort.

Q-20 What is binary search tree?

Q-21 When is converting binary tree to BST not beneficial.

Q-22 Time complexity required to sort n numbers by passing them into a BST.

Q-23 Best, Average, Worst time complexity explanation of Q-22

Q-24 Any question for me?

Round 2: Online Technical Interview 2

This round was on Google Meet and lasted for almost 30 minutes.

Questions asked by interviewer were:

Q-1 How are your online classes going on?

Q-2 When was your coding assessment? What kind of questions were there?

 Q-3 Explain your projects – This was an in-depth session which went with some counter questions for almost 10 mins. I was presenting my screen to the interviewer and explaining the technologies I used in my projects.

Q-4 What is Rest API?

Then, discussion went on my second project which included WHO’s API.

The interviewer praised my project work and seem impressed. 

Q-5 How was your first technical round?

Q-6 What challenges did you faced during your project works?

Q-7 What is the difference between multiprocessing and multithreading?

Q-8 Benefits of multithreading?

Q-9 How does a process calls another process in Operating system?

Q-10 Describe IPC in detail.

Q-11 This comprised of 4 different situations on using multiple or single processor in OS with the benefits of multiprocessing and multithreading.

Q-10 Do you have questions for me?

7 students were shortlisted based on the technical interviews for two months internship (May- July 2021) at SRIB . Luckily, I was one of them.

Free ki Advice– Practicing DSA only won’t let you crack Interviews of good companies. One should make efforts smartly and work wisely in every direction( including Projects, Operating Systems, DBMS, Computer Networks) at least when companies are arriving your campus and you really dream to crack one of them.

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