Quinbay Interview Experience for SDE-I (Intern + FTE)

Quinbay is a fast-growing one-stop technology company with a passion for disrupting technology today and redefining the future. The following recruitment process happened in April 2022 for the role of SDE for their Bangalore/Coimbatore location.

Round-1 (Online Test): The online round consisted of MCQ-type questions, consisting of 5-6 sections having 10-13questions in each section. Sections included General Aptitude, CS fundamentals including Operating Systems, DBMS, OOP, and Computer Networks, Output Questions and Debugging Code snippets, and a dedicated section on Java Programming Language.

Round-2 (Technical Interview [1hr – 1hr 20mins]): The Interview started with the interviewer introducing himself and asking for my brief introduction.

  • I was asked about my previous internship experience since I had mentioned them on my resume.
  • Next, I was asked about my Projects in detail.
    • Be prepared to justify the tech stack you preferred. I had used a NoSQL Database in the project so was asked about the use cases where a SQL database would be preferred and why did I choose a Non-relational DB over a relational DB.
    • Questions on scalability and extensibility of your projects in brief. I was also asked about Horizontal Scaling vs Vertical Scaling in a System, product use case, etc.
  • Since most of the projects were built using Javascript, and Node.js. Questions were asked around the tech stack.
    • 2 output questions on Javascript on a shared Google Doc.
    • What is Hoisting in Javascript?
    • What is the difference between let, const, and var in terms of Global Context and flow of execution?
    • What are Higher Order Functions? How does a map() function work in JS? How is it different from forEach in JS?
    • How does Node.js Work? You can watch this video on Youtube to understand the concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSyFSnisip0
    • What is Sharding? What are a few cons related to Sharding?
    • Discussion on why I did not prefer Java for the backend and instead, preferred Node.js? I was asked to elaborate on a few pros and cons.
    • Discussion on C++ vs Java, and different use cases.
  • Two DSA Problems were asked on Linked Lists on a shared Google Doc. [Easy to Medium]
    • A Modified Swap Nodes in Pairs Problem. Given a list of nodes, consider sets of 3/4 nodes swap the nodes as: 
      • Example 1: Input: [a->b->c->d], Output: [a->c->b->d].
      • Example 2: Input: [a->b->c->d->e->f], Output: [a->c->b->d->f->e]
  • The Interviewer expected a solution wherein you just traverse the list once [O(N) time] and no extra space [O(1) space] could be used. Edge cases for the problem were modified to see how the same code could be altered to handle other cases.
  • Given a LinkedList, check whether it is Palindrome or not. The Interviewer expected a linear time [O(N)] and constant space [O(1)] solution.
  • Question on Floyd Cycle Detection Algorithm, and was asked how I would detect a cycle in a list.
  • 2/3 Puzzles were asked. [Easy to Medium].

Round 2 (Technical + Managerial [1hr – 1hr 20mins]): The Interview started with the interviewer asking for my brief introduction.

  • Was asked about my current community engagements and previous internship experiences. I was asked about the kind of projects and teams I had worked with. The Interviewer also wanted me to elaborate on any challenges I faced.
  • 2 DSA Problems were asked on DFS and Binary Trees. [Easy to Medium], one of them was to Check whether a Binary Tree is a Complete Binary or not.
  • 1 Medium-Hard Problem was asked. Number of occurrences of 2 as a digit in numbers from 0 to n
  • Brief discussions on one of the projects.
  • CS Fundamental Questions from any CS core subject of your choice, I was asked questions about OOP concepts including (but not limited to)
    • What is Multiple Inheritance?
    • How is it implemented in Java?
    • What are Friend functions and what is a Friend Class?
  • Few basic HR questions were asked towards the end of the interview.

Verdict: Selected for the role of SDE Intern(6-12months) + FTE


  • The First Technical Round will revolve entirely on what you have mentioned in your resume, the kind of tech stack you have mentioned. Puzzles and DSA problems will be asked.
  • The Second Round will contain DSA problems and may contain puzzles. It will be more focused on how you approach any problem statement.
  • If you have mentioned Java in your resume/interview. Expect most of the questions to revolve around Java. You may also be asked to solve the DSA problems in Java. I had not mentioned Java hence had the liberty to write in C++. The questions asked would be a mixed bag from your primary tech stack and project/Internships. 

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