Yellow Class (IvyPods Technologies) Interview Experience for SDE-1 Intern+FTE (On-Campus)

Yellow Class is a Gurgaon based startup, visited on campus for Frontend(ReactJS) and Backend(NodeJS) Developers with a full time and 6 months internship offer.

ROUND 1 (2HRS AND 30 MINS): A total of 5 challenges were there.

3 Coding Questions (CoderByte Platform) Only JavaScript allowed.

  1. LRU cache implementation
  2. Rainwater trapped problem
  3. Valid sudoku and then tell the invalid Quadrants in the output.

2 Question on ReactJS

I was able to complete 2 coding questions completely and 3rd Partially only and was shortlisted for the next round.

ROUND 2 (TECHNICAL INTERVIEW,50 MINS): Started with my Introduction and then deep discussions on my projects, each and every technology used, had bonus points if the project was live, so I got that points as my platform was live, questions were like jwt token, its storage, promises, callbacks, middlewares, callbackhells , async/await, ES6 syntax, NoSQL datastore used, authentication used, socket objects, child processes, exit codes, REST API’s. The interview ended in about 50 mins.

ROUND 3 (TECHNICAL INTERVIEW + MANAGERIAL,75 MINS): Introduction, Family background, hobbies then tech part started, firstly the interview was on google meet then interviewer shifted it to my live video conferencing platform, after that system design of one of my projects, again deep discussions on projects, how NodeJS handles concurrency,  then general questions.

ROUND 4 (HR INTERVIEW, 10 MINS): This round was the shortest as the interviewer just called to ask if I had any questions regarding the company which I had, and my willingness to work with a startup.

Only 3 got selected.


So the Tech rounds were more on DEV rather than CS fundamentals so this interview was a bit different from another general interview, so one must have a good insight of work done on personnel projects and tech stack used along with CP and CS fundamentals, all the credit goes for w3wiki to helping me to prepare for this.

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