Working of Electronic Components

Electronic Components play an key role in working of electrical circuits. Every component in electronic components has specific function in electrical circuit. Passive components in electronic components do not require an external power source to operate actively. They mainly resist, store, or control the flow of electric current or voltage in a circuit without actively amplifying or generating signals.


  • Working of Resistor include, It works on the principle of electrical resistance. It works mainly on resistance of an electrical circuit. Resistance has a property to opposes the flow of electric current.
  • Resistor working principle can be explained using Ohm’s Law, which states that the current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across it and it is inversely proportional to its resistance (R). Mathematically, Ohm’s Law is represented as follows : V = I * R.
  • A resistor is an electronic component that limits the flow of electric current in a circuit. It is used to control the amount of current flowing through a circuit and to create voltage drops.
  • A resistor absorbs energy when electrical current flows through it. The energy absorbed by the resistor is usually discharged in the form of heat.


  • Capacitor is one of the basic components of the electric circuit, which can store electric charge in the form of electric potential energy. It consists of two conducting surfaces such as a plate or sphere, and some dielectric substance(air, glass, plastic, etc.) between them.
  • A capacitor is an electronic component that stores and releases electrical energy. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material. It can store charge and release it when needed, acting as a temporary energy storage device.
  • Capacitors store the electrical energy and release in the form of electrical field.


  • Inductance is an electrical circuit attribute that opposes any change in current in the circuit. Electrical circuits have an intrinsic feature called inductance.
  • The inductor supplies energy to the circuit to keep current flowing during the “off” switching periods and enables topographies where the output voltage is higher than the input voltage.
  • Inductors store the electrical energy and release in the form of magnetic field.


  • Working of Transformer include ,The fundamental principle of how the transformer functions are mutual induction between the two coils or Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
  • When a positive voltage is applied to base-emitter junction. it allows the flow of electrons from emitter to the base. The flow of electrons from the emitter to the base creates a path for majority charge carriers to flow from collector to the emitter.
  • This controlled flow of holes from the collector to emitter constitutes the output current and it can be amplified based on current flowing into the base.
  • Transformers are used to change the voltage in alternating current (AC) circuits by using electromagnetic induction.


  • Working of diode include, In the N-type region, the majority of charge carriers are electrons and the minority of charge carriers are holes. Whereas, In the P-type region, the majority of charge carriers are holes and the minority of charge carriers are electrons. Because of the concentration difference, the diffusion takes place in majority charge carriers and they recombine with the minority charge carriers which are then collected near the junction and this region is known as the Depletion Region.
  • Diodes allow the flow of electric current in one direction only. They consist of a semiconductor material with a P-N junction.

Integrated Circuit

  • Integrated circuits are a combination of diodes, microprocessors, and transistors in a minimized form on a wafer made of silicon. Each of these components has a specific function.
  • These can perform calculations and multiple tasks when combined with each other Integrated circuits is used to that combine multiple electronic components such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, into a single chip.
  • An IC can be used as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, logic gate, computer memory, microcontroller or microprocessor.


  • The working of a transistor is based on the control of current flow between the emitter and collector by the current flowing into the base.
  • When a positive voltage is applied to base-emitter junction. it allows the flow of electrons from emitter to the base.
  • The flow of electrons from the emitter to the base creates a path for majority charge carriers to flow from collector to the emitter.
  • This controlled flow of holes from the collector to emitter constitutes the output current and it can be amplified based on current flowing into the base.
  • Transistors act as amplifiers or switches, work by controlling the flow of current between two terminals based on the third terminal’s input voltage.

Electronic Components

Electronic Components play an important role in understanding the workings of electrical circuits. The application of electronic science is widely growing due to the large variety of electronic components. Most of the success in the electronic field over electricity is due to various characteristics of components, like nonlinear performance, integration, cost, and size of the electronic components.

If you observe any electronic circuit, there are only five varieties of Electronic Components. The circuit may appear complicated because several different components, but each type belongs to any of these five types. Electronic Components are classified into two groups Passive Components and active components. In this article, we will learn about the electronic components and applications of electronic components.

In this article, We will be going Through what is an Electronic Component, we will go through Types of Electronic Components which are classified as Passive and Active elements, and then we will look at their respective Symbols. At last, we will through its Functions, Advantages, and Disadvantages with its Applications.

Table of Content

  • What is an Electronic Component?
  • Types of Electronic Components
  • Passive Components
  • Active Components
  • Working of Electronic Components
  • Circuit Symbols of Electronic Component
  • Function of Electronic Components

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We have learnt about the electronic components ,and we have seen the classification of electronic components, These resistance, inductance, and capacitance are called passive circuit electronic components and they do not transfer electrical energy. On the other hand, there are active electronic components like voltage and current sources which transfer electrical energy to the circuits. we have also learnt the applications of electronic components in our daily life....

FAQs on Electronic Components

1. What are power electronic applications that we use in our daily life ?...

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